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                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/20/2012 09:35 PM
                        CCYTL- Mar 17 2012 - 3/17/2012                         
                                  OSBORNE HS                                   
Girls 6 & Under 50 Meter Dash 50M Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Smith, Ariana              6 Atlanta Elit              7.66   1 
  2 Fraser, Anaya              5 Pebblebrook               8.02   1 
  3 Whitehead, Mearah          6 Split Second              8.20   2 
  4 Blount, Jasmine            6 Rolling Thun              8.27   1 
  5 Hall, Nevean               5 Georgia Thor              8.30   2 
  6 Demps, Monika              5 Rolling Thun              8.41   1 
  7 Walker, Dannie             6 Georgia Thor              8.68   2 
  8 Anderson, Calen            5 Rolling Thun              8.70   2 
  9 Duke, Braylee              6 First Light               8.93   1 
 10 Johnson, Mikenzie          6 Welcome All               9.14   3 
 11 Odister, Rachel            6 Smyrna TC                 9.15   4 
 12 Brandley, Aanarie          6 Rolling Thun              9.48   3 
 13 Williams, Gabrielle        6 Welcome All              10.08   3 
 14 Houston, Ciann             5 Split Second             10.84   4 
 15 Anderson, Riley            6 Atlanta Elit             11.20   1 
 16 Artumus, Jeneah            5 Pebblebrook              13.71   2 
 -- Walker, Morgan             5 Saca Youth T               DNS   4 
 -- Hendrix-Williams, Macken   6 The Heat TC                DNS   2 
 -- Saunders, Tori             6 Split Second               DNS   3 
Girls 7-8 50 Meter Dash 50M Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Bowman, Aniya              8 Pebblebrook               7.81   1 
  2 Vidal, Kaylin              8 Atlanta Elit              7.91   1 
  3 Lewis, Kennedy             7 Welcome All               7.97   3 
  4 Jackson, Tamyra            8 Titans TC                 8.06   3 
  5 Pray, Asydiah              8 The Heat TC               8.08   2 
  6 Hardin, Amaya              8 The Heat TC               8.11   4 
  7 Williams, Fphenix          7 Welcome All               8.19   4 
  8 Swint, Kennedy             7 Welcome All               8.25   3 
  9 Tate, Serena               7 Split Second              8.40   1 
 10 Williams, Champel          8 Welcome All               8.43   4 
 11 Thornton, Bailey           7 Xtreme Veloc              8.69   2 
 12 Peters, Aaliyah            8 Split Second              8.89   2 
 13 Jordan, Myia               8 Georgia Thor              8.96   3 
 13 Abson, Samara              7 The Heat TC               8.96   4 
 15 Moore, Kynnidra            8 Pebblebrook               9.10   1 
 16 Smith, Jaiyanna            7 The Heat TC               9.13   2 
 17 Elmore, Amber              7 Date Eagles              10.05   3 
 -- Lovelace, Kayla            8 Southeast St               DNS   4 
 -- King, Amarie               8 First Light                DNS   3 
 -- Muhammad, M-Sajhouday      8 Welcome All                DNS   4 
 -- Riley, Anya                7 The Heat TC                DNS   2 
 -- Peek, Perri                7 Georgia Thor               DNS   1 
 -- Stephens, Danielle         8 Welcome All                DNS   1 
 -- Smith, Kaila               7 Welcome All                DNS   2 
Girls 9-10 50 Meter Dash 50M Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Shelley, Jessica          10 Mark Trail F              6.55   4 
  2 Brown, Brianna             9 Saca Youth T              7.26   2 
  3 Jones, Maya                9 Welcome All               7.33   1 
  4 Holley, Breona             9 Titans TC                 7.43   4 
  5 Ballard, Lovie            10 Saca Youth T              7.50   4 
  6 Lawler, Mekenna           10 Date Eagles               7.71   2 
  7 Davis, Nazarene           10 Morningside               7.76   1 
  8 Thomas, Saniyyah           9 Southeast St              7.77   2 
  9 Euler, Victoria            9 Mark Trail F              7.82   2 
 10 Bland, Elise              10 Titans TC                 7.87   2 
 10 Johnson, Mikayla          10 Welcome All               7.87   3 
 12 McConico, Paige           10 Southeast St              8.10   1 
 13 Vassar, Sloane             9 Pebblebrook               8.13   3 
 14 Logan, Callie             10 Mark Trail F              8.29   3 
 15 Bursey, Alana              9 Pebblebrook               8.52   1 
 16 Smith, Kiana              10 Atlanta Elit              8.95   1 
 -- White, Ashley             10 Georgia Thor               DNS   1 
 -- Williams, Nina             9 Welcome All                DNS   2 
 -- McKellar, Amari           10 Welcome All                DNS   3 
 -- Brown, Mekelle             9 Titans TC                  DNS   3 
 -- Muhammad, M-Akillay       10 Welcome All                DNS   3 
Girls 6 & Under 100 Meter Dash 4-6 Year old
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Smith, Ariana              6 Atlanta Elit             17.81   4 
  2 Fraser, Anaya              5 Pebblebrook              19.41   2 
  3 Blount, Jasmine            6 Rolling Thun             19.65   3 
  4 Demps, Monika              5 Rolling Thun             19.79   2 
  5 Hall, Nevean               5 Georgia Thor             20.03   2 
  6 Walker, Dannie             6 Georgia Thor             21.19   2 
  7 Duke, Braylee              6 First Light              21.35   4 
  8 Anderson, Calen            5 Rolling Thun             21.53   3 
  9 Williams, Gabrielle        6 Welcome All              23.74   3 
 10 Odister, Rachel            6 Smyrna TC                23.79   2 
 11 Anderson, Riley            6 Atlanta Elit             25.92   2 
 12 Whitehead, Mearah          6 Split Second        0:10:29.28   1 
 13 Johnson, Mikenzie          6 Welcome All         0:10:31.44   1 
 14 Brandley, Aanarie          6 Rolling Thun        0:10:33.17   1 
 15 Houston, Ciann             5 Split Second        0:10:39.18   1 
 16 Artumus, Jeneah            5 Pebblebrook         0:10:58.05   1 
 -- Walker, Morgan             5 Saca Youth T               DNS   1 
 -- Saunders, Tori             6 Split Second               DNS   4 
 -- Hendrix-Williams, Macken   6 The Heat TC                DNS   3 
Girls 7-8 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Riley, Anya                7 The Heat TC              15.74   7 
  2 Holsey, Jaden              8 Pebblebrook              15.92   7 
  3 Wilson, Amani              8 Pebblebrook              16.37   1 
  4 Pray, Asydiah              8 The Heat TC              17.31   2 
  5 Wayne, Samiya              7 Split Second             17.60   2 
  6 Jones, Matai               8 Split Second             17.64   3 
  7 Bowman, Aniya              8 Pebblebrook              18.07   3 
  8 Williams, Nacari           7 Cobb Track               18.14   7 
  9 Tate, Serena               7 Split Second             18.23   4 
 10 Marks, Harmony             7 First Light              18.33   1 
 11 Harrison, Harmony          8 First Light              18.74   2 
 12 Williams, Fphenix          7 Welcome All              18.81   5 
 13 Sery, Brianna              8 Date Eagles              18.99   3 
 14 Vidal, Kaylin              8 Atlanta Elit             19.01   4 
 15 Ware, Noelle               8 First Light              19.51   4 
 16 Yates, Brooke              8 The Heat TC              19.85   6 
 17 Lewis, Kennedy             7 Welcome All              19.90   3 
 18 Harvey, Allanna            8 Date Eagles              19.95   6 
 19 Everett, Cydney            7 Mark Trail F             20.11   3 
 20 Swint, Kennedy             7 Welcome All              20.17   4 
 21 Jackson, Tamyra            8 Titans TC                20.27   1 
 22 Lovelace, Kayla            8 Southeast St             20.38   5 
 23 Franklin, Carleigh         7 Xtreme Veloc             20.65   7 
 24 Thornton, Bailey           7 Xtreme Veloc             20.82   1 
 25 Abson, Samara              7 The Heat TC              20.94   3 
 26 Smith, Kaila               7 Welcome All              21.07   6 
 27 Jordan, Myia               8 Georgia Thor             21.09   6 
 28 Williams, Champel          8 Welcome All              21.10   5 
 29 Wimberly, Ameena           7 Date Eagles              21.24   2 
 30 Hardin, Amaya              8 The Heat TC              21.53   2 
 31 Peek, Perri                7 Georgia Thor             22.48   5 
 32 Smith, Jaiyanna            7 The Heat TC              23.88   4 
 33 Peters, Aaliyah            8 Split Second             25.45   5 
 34 Elmore, Amber              7 Date Eagles              26.06   1 
 -- Muhammad, M-Sajhouday      8 Welcome All                DNS   1 
 -- King, Amarie               8 First Light                DNS   4 
 -- Story, Nina                8 Atlanta Elit               DNS   5 
 -- Stephens, Danielle         8 Welcome All                DNS   2 
Girls 9-10 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Jackson, Ryan             10 Titans TC                14.83   3 
  2 Mcclain, Alaa              9 Saca Youth T             15.06   1 
  3 Shelley, Jessica          10 Mark Trail F             15.21   5 
  4 Southern, Zoey             9 First Light              15.56   3 
  5 Moore, Kynnae             10 Pebblebrook              15.68   6 
  6 Owens, Dondrett           10 The Heat TC              15.88   4 
  7 Williams, Alexis          10 Smyrna TC                15.98   3 
  8 Minor, Zharia              9 Saca Youth T             16.06   6 
  9 Jackson, Sarai             9 The Heat TC              16.58   3 
 10 Reddick, Lauren            9 The Heat TC              16.60   3 
 11 Brown, Brianna             9 Saca Youth T             16.77   2 
 12 Jones, Maya                9 Welcome All              16.78   7 
 13 Mitchell, Jayla           10 Saca Youth T             16.92   1 
 14 McKellar, Amari           10 Welcome All              17.29   6 
 15 Milton, Hallei            10 First Light              17.36   6 
 16 Muhammad, M-Akillay       10 Welcome All              17.39   1 
 17 Lawler, Mekenna           10 Date Eagles              17.63   5 
 18 Peagler, Amari            10 Smyrna TC                17.70   7 
 19 Bland, Elise              10 Titans TC                17.73   5 
 20 Hill, Nialah               9 Georgia Thor             17.79   1 
 21 Thomas, Saniyyah           9 Southeast St             18.33   4 
 22 Euler, Victoria            9 Mark Trail F             18.44   2 
 23 Wynn, Rachel               9 Atlanta Elit             18.52   4 
 24 Davis, Nazarene           10 Morningside              18.61   2 
 25 Linear, Gabrielle         10 The Heat TC              18.63   3 
 26 Johnson, Mikayla          10 Welcome All              19.05   7 
 27 White, Ashley             10 Georgia Thor             19.28   1 
 28 Brown, Mekelle             9 Titans TC                19.40   6 
 29 Logan, Callie             10 Mark Trail F             19.47   5 
 30 McConico, Paige           10 Southeast St             19.50   2 
 31 Holley, Breona             9 Titans TC                20.04   5 
 32 Barnwell, Maya             9 Date Eagles              20.74   4 
 33 Vassar, Sloane             9 Pebblebrook              21.02   2 
 34 Bursey, Alana              9 Pebblebrook              21.58   4 
 35 Smith, Kiana              10 Atlanta Elit             22.37   1 
 -- Milam, McKayla            10 The Heat TC                DNS   2 
 -- Fisher, Tyla               9 Date Eagles                DNS   5 
 -- Smith, Tierra              9 Pebblebrook                DNS   4 
 -- Richardson, Ameah          9 Morningside                DNS   6 
Girls 11-12 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Whitehead, Kyleeyah       11 Split Second             12.96   7 
  2 Florence, Nilija          12 First Light              13.54   3 
  3 Stafford, Rickia          12 First Light              13.75   2 
  4 Beckham, Destiny          12 Georgia Thor             13.87   2 
  5 Coleman, Emoni            11 The Heat TC              14.21   3 
  6 Jackson, Hannah           11 The Heat TC              14.37   4 
  7 Pringle, Jordan           11 Split Second             14.48   1 
  8 James, Junmoke            11 First Light              14.51   5 
  9 Dunnigan, Egypt           12 Welcome All              14.77   2 
 10 Nolen, Kaiah              11 Georgia Thor             14.81   3 
 11 Greenwood, Jordyn         11 Georgia Thor             14.82   4 
 12 Evans, Ayanna             11 Southeast St             14.87   2 
 13 McKinley, Asha            12 Atlanta Elit             14.95   2 
 14 Johnson, Courtney         12 Pebblebrook              15.02   1 
 15 Boyd, Katera              12 Date Eagles              15.17   6 
 16 Walker, Tasia             11 Pebblebrook              15.19   3 
 17 Schofield, Mya            12 Welcome All              15.60   5 
 18 Hanson, Corbin            12 Saca Youth T             15.62   4 
 19 Perre, Raina              11 Smyrna TC                15.84   6 
 20 Jackson, Taya             11 Titans TC                16.08   6 
 21 Kirkly, Nagea             11 Georgia Thor             16.11   3 
 22 Smith, Carissa            12 Smyrna TC                16.17   1 
 23 Corbett, Destiny          12 Georgia Thor             16.20   4 
 24 Adams, Imani              12 Smyrna TC                16.23   4 
 25 Tucker, Suzuki            11 Pebblebrook              16.36   6 
 26 Beard, Bryanna            11 Georgia Thor             16.74   1 
 27 Bush, India               11 Date Eagles              16.81   1 
 28 Appling, Tenaya           11 First Light              16.93   3 
 29 Thomas, Niemah            11 Southeast St             17.43   7 
 30 Bryant, Trinity           11 Titans TC                17.76   5 
 31 Brown, Nia                11 Split Second             18.57   5 
 32 Henry, Kendall            11 Atlanta Elit             18.69   6 
 33 Vassar, Kendal            11 Pebblebrook              19.09   5 
 34 Knox, Kylan               11 Welcome All              20.14   4 
 35 Pollard, Danielle         12 Saca Youth T             21.62   5 
 36 Price, Zhaikia            11 Date Eagles              22.75   7 
 37 Smith, Aailiyah           11 Date Eagles              25.81   1 
 -- Malcom, Mareshah          11 Date Eagles                DNS   2 
Girls 13-14 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Tate, Caitlan             14 Split Second             13.49   4 
  2 Brown, Tahj               14 The Heat TC              14.16   3 
  3 Tillman, Elizabeth        14 Titans TC                14.17   1 
  4 Wyatt, Kennedy            13 Split Second             14.22   3 
  5 Jones, Alexis             13 Smyrna TC                14.28   3 
  6 Washington, Zanadiah      14 Smyrna TC                14.44   3 
  7 Kelly, Kameelah           13 Smyrna TC                15.16   3 
  8 Thornton, Victoria        14 Smyrna TC                15.50   2 
  9 House, Kaylah             13 Atlanta Elit             16.43   1 
 10 Ortiz, Alexa              14 Smyrna TC                16.69   4 
 11 Nicholson, Daja           13 Rolling Thun             18.34   2 
 12 Stokes, Alejai            14 First Light              18.37   4 
 13 Smith, Kaiteur            13 Date Eagles              19.12   1 
 14 Price, Janiya             13 Date Eagles              19.15   1 
 15 Tillman, Margaret         13 Date Eagles              19.41   2 
 -- Dunnigan, Eboni           13 Welcome All                DNS   2 
 -- Wilson, Aunya             14 Titans TC                  DNS   3 
 -- Coleman, Jya              14 Pebblebrook                DNS   1 
 -- Mack, Jessica             14 The Heat TC                DNS   2 
 -- Rice, Tahirah             14 Titans TC                  DNS   1 
 -- Johnson, Tobi             13 Southeast St               DNS   2 
Girls 15 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Blackmon, Jeva            15 Saca Youth T             15.53  
  2 Strother, Emoni           15 Saca Youth T             15.79  
 -- Williams, Quemesha        15 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Hampton, Skyler           15 Pebblebrook                DNS  
Girls 7-8 200 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Holsey, Jaden              8 Pebblebrook              35.93   1 
  2 Moore, Kynnidra            8 Pebblebrook              37.59   1 
  3 Jones, Matai               8 Split Second             37.68   2 
  4 Marks, Harmony             7 First Light              37.86   1 
  5 Brown, Zoe                 8 Split Second             42.55   3 
  6 Harrison, Harmony          8 First Light              42.96   2 
  7 Yates, Brooke              8 The Heat TC              45.03   1 
  8 Everett, Cydney            7 Mark Trail F             45.46   2 
  9 Franklin, Carleigh         7 Xtreme Veloc             46.95   1 
 10 Ware, Noelle               8 First Light              49.32   3 
 11 Sery, Brianna              8 Date Eagles              50.37   3 
 12 Harvey, Allanna            8 Date Eagles              51.27   2 
 13 Wimberly, Ameena           7 Date Eagles              52.08   2 
 -- Williams, Nacari           7 Cobb Track                 DNS   3 
 -- Story, Nina                8 Atlanta Elit               DNS   1 
Girls 9-10 200 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Delay, Royal              10 Pebblebrook              29.00   1 
  2 Manley, Morgan            10 Xtreme Veloc             31.38   1 
  3 Scott, Jayda              10 Mark Trail F             31.41   3 
  4 Mcclain, Alaa              9 Saca Youth T             31.48   1 
  5 Boyd, Alexia              10 Date Eagles              32.79   4 
  6 Southern, Zoey             9 First Light              33.31   1 
  7 Richardson, Ameah          9 Morningside              34.08   2 
  8 Rutledge, Joy              9 Saca Youth T             34.12   1 
  9 Weems, Elizabeth          10 Pebblebrook              34.35   2 
 10 Brown, Stormie             9 First Light              34.47   4 
 11 Jackson, Sarai             9 The Heat TC              34.86   4 
 12 Minor, Zharia              9 Saca Youth T             35.04   2 
 13 Owens, Dondrett           10 The Heat TC              35.18   3 
 14 Andrews, Alani            10 Morningside              35.78   2 
 15 Reddick, Lauren            9 The Heat TC              35.89   3 
 16 Thompson, Hannah          10 Date Eagles              36.00   4 
 17 Mitchell, Jayla           10 Saca Youth T             37.74   4 
 18 Wynn, Rachel               9 Atlanta Elit             38.34   2 
 19 Linear, Gabrielle         10 The Heat TC              39.14   4 
 20 Hill, Nialah               9 Georgia Thor             39.50   3 
 21 Everett, Kendyll           9 Mark Trail F             39.56   5 
 22 Peagler, Amari            10 Smyrna TC                41.54   5 
 23 Milton, Hallei            10 First Light              41.66   5 
 24 Barnwell, Maya             9 Date Eagles              45.65   3 
 -- Gover, Whitney            10 Welcome All                DNS   2 
 -- Boone, Eryn               10 Morningside                DNS   1 
 -- Milam, McKayla            10 The Heat TC                DNS   3 
Girls 11-12 200 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Jones, Tia                12 The Heat TC              26.01   1 
  2 Florence, Nilija          12 First Light              27.49   1 
  3 Dennis, Ayanna            12 Morningside              28.36   1 
  4 Stafford, Rickia          12 First Light              29.29   4 
  5 Beckham, Destiny          12 Georgia Thor             29.33   1 
  6 Copeland, ZoeNicole       12 The Heat TC              29.95   1 
  7 Bankhead, Sabriyana       12 Southeast St             30.50   2 
  8 House, Paityn             11 Xtreme Veloc             30.51   1 
  9 James, Junmoke            11 First Light              31.22   3 
 10 Walker, Tasia             11 Pebblebrook              32.24   2 
 11 Johnson, Courtney         12 Pebblebrook              32.53   7 
 12 Hanson, Corbin            12 Saca Youth T             32.54   2 
 13 Jackson, Hannah           11 The Heat TC              32.75   5 
 14 Perre, Raina              11 Smyrna TC                33.49   5 
 15 Boyd, Katera              12 Date Eagles              33.56   3 
 16 Lewis, Destiny            11 Date Eagles              33.73   6 
 17 Schofield, Mya            12 Welcome All              33.94   5 
 18 Tucker, Suzuki            11 Pebblebrook              34.52   6 
 19 Corbett, Destiny          12 Georgia Thor             34.53   4 
 20 Smith, Carissa            12 Smyrna TC                34.67   4 
 21 Harris, Haley             12 Saca Youth T             35.50   7 
 22 Thomas, Niemah            11 Southeast St             35.60   3 
 23 Adams, Imani              12 Smyrna TC                36.12   6 
 24 Appling, Tenaya           11 First Light              37.18   5 
 25 Kirkly, Nagea             11 Georgia Thor             37.26   2 
 26 Beard, Bryanna            11 Georgia Thor             38.44   3 
 27 Baxter, Destiny           12 Welcome All              38.59   4 
 28 Bush, India               11 Date Eagles              38.88   3 
 29 Henry, Kendall            11 Atlanta Elit             40.04   2 
 30 Brown, Nia                11 Split Second             42.34   2 
 31 Knox, Kylan               11 Welcome All              45.22   6 
 32 Vassar, Kendal            11 Pebblebrook              46.15   5 
 -- Dunnigan, Egypt           12 Welcome All                DNS   3 
 -- Canty, Nayal              11 Mark Trail F               DNS   4 
 -- Greenwood, Jordyn         11 Georgia Thor               DNS   5 
 -- Malcom, Mareshah          11 Date Eagles                DNS   4 
 -- Evans, Ayanna             11 Southeast St               DNS   7 
Girls 13-14 200 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Newton, Morgan            14 The Heat TC              29.61   2 
  2 Brown, Tahj               14 The Heat TC              29.79   3 
  3 Hill, Tamara              14 Smyrna TC                29.81   3 
  4 Duncan, Alexa             13 Morningside              30.12   1 
  5 Benjamin, Jamilya         14 The Heat TC              30.64   3 
  6 Richardson, Alyssia       14 Morningside              30.81   1 
  7 Washington, Zanadiah      14 Smyrna TC                30.85   2 
  8 Harrell, Ayannah          14 First Light              30.94   1 
  9 Mcdonald, Ivy             14 Date Eagles              31.26   1 
 10 Speight, Aniyah           13 Xtreme Veloc             32.24   1 
 11 Thornton, Victoria        14 Smyrna TC                32.96   2 
 12 House, Kaylah             13 Atlanta Elit             33.76   2 
 13 Andrews, Zoe              13 Morningside              36.63   1 
 14 Logan, Hannah             13 The Heat TC              37.03   2 
 15 Nicholson, Daja           13 Rolling Thun             40.35   2 
 -- Dunnigan, Eboni           13 Welcome All                DNS   3 
 -- Shaw, Amber               13 Date Eagles                DNS   3 
 -- McFarthing-Polk, Auriell  14 The Heat TC                DNS   3 
Girls 15 Year Olds 200 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Strother, Emoni           15 Saca Youth T             31.77  
  2 Blackmon, Jeva            15 Saca Youth T             31.94  
 -- Williams, Quemesha        15 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Hampton, Skyler           15 Pebblebrook                DNS  
Girls 8 & Under 400 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Wilson, Amani              8 Pebblebrook            1:28.97  
  2 Benton, Ella               8 First Light            1:30.47  
  3 Wayne, Samiya              7 Split Second           1:33.71  
  4 Russell, Nyisa             7 Pebblebrook            1:35.98  
  5 Brown, Zoe                 8 Split Second           1:40.50  
Girls 9-10 400 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Jackson, Ryan             10 Titans TC              1:13.94   1 
  2 Scott, Jayda              10 Mark Trail F           1:15.14   2 
  3 Boyd, Alexia              10 Date Eagles            1:15.49   1 
  4 Franco, Naomi             10 Saca Youth T           1:15.57   4 
  5 Moore, Kynnae             10 Pebblebrook            1:16.73   2 
  6 Euler, Lauren             10 Mark Trail F           1:17.37   3 
  7 Brown, Stormie             9 First Light            1:17.67   4 
  8 Frazier, Alexandria       10 Xtreme Veloc           1:18.81   1 
  9 Bell, Evie                10 First Light            1:21.19   3 
 10 Dukes, Nygeria            10 Titans TC              1:22.58   1 
 11 Andrews, Alani            10 Morningside            1:22.67   2 
 12 Williams, Alexis          10 Smyrna TC              1:23.05   4 
 13 Weems, Elizabeth          10 Pebblebrook            1:23.55   2 
 14 Everett, Kendyll           9 Mark Trail F           1:25.89   3 
 15 Boone, Eryn               10 Morningside            1:26.66   1 
 16 Thompson, Hannah          10 Date Eagles            1:27.12   3 
 17 Rutledge, Joy              9 Saca Youth T           1:27.19   2 
 -- Augustus, Celes           10 Xtreme Veloc               DNS   1 
 -- Gover, Whitney            10 Welcome All                DNS   3 
 -- Smith, Tierra              9 Pebblebrook                DNS   2 
Girls 11-12 400 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Laidlaw, Francis          12 The Heat TC            1:04.09   1 
  2 Whitehead, Kyleeyah       11 Split Second           1:04.80   4 
  3 Dennis, Ayanna            12 Morningside            1:05.85   1 
  4 Lester, Sterling          12 First Light            1:06.70   1 
  5 Flowers, Victoria         12 First Light            1:08.69   4 
  6 Powell, Lauren            12 The Heat TC            1:08.71   3 
  7 Nolen, Kaiah              11 Georgia Thor           1:10.40   1 
  8 McKinley, Asha            12 Atlanta Elit           1:10.48   1 
  9 Canty, Nayal              11 Mark Trail F           1:10.77   3 
 10 Copeland, ZoeNicole       12 The Heat TC            1:12.36   2 
 11 Bankhead, Sabriyana       12 Southeast St           1:14.89   1 
 12 Pringle, Jordan           11 Split Second           1:16.15   3 
 13 Young, RaChel             12 The Heat TC            1:16.52   2 
 14 Collins, Alyssa           12 The Heat TC            1:16.57   2 
 15 Harris, Haley             12 Saca Youth T           1:17.98   4 
 16 Jackson, Taya             11 Titans TC              1:21.86   4 
 17 Wittikiend, Emily         11 The Heat TC            1:22.17   2 
 18 Jenkins, Gelene           11 Date Eagles            1:23.39   3 
 19 Worrell, Brianna          11 Titans TC              1:23.97   5 
 20 Johnson, Arianna          11 The Heat TC            1:26.93   2 
 21 Romaine, Danielle         11 The Heat TC            1:28.45   4 
 22 Flores, Kendall           11 The Heat TC            1:29.48   4 
 23 Bryant, Trinity           11 Titans TC              1:31.10   3 
 24 Foster, Natalie           11 The Heat TC            1:36.54   2 
 25 Touray, Khadidiatou       11 Rolling Thun           1:37.62   3 
 -- Baxter, Destiny           12 Welcome All                DNS   5 
 -- Lewis, Destiny            11 Date Eagles                DNS   5 
Girls 13-14 400 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Jones, Alexis             13 Smyrna TC              1:05.14   4 
  2 McGrady, Brandi           13 First Light            1:05.60   4 
  3 Tate, Caitlan             14 Split Second           1:05.68   2 
  4 Tillman, Elizabeth        14 Titans TC              1:05.83   1 
  5 Wynn, Rebekah             13 Atlanta Elit           1:06.11   1 
  6 Washington, Kiera         14 Date Eagles            1:07.23   2 
  7 McFarthing-Polk, Auriell  14 The Heat TC            1:07.67   5 
  8 Mack, Jessica             14 The Heat TC            1:07.91   1 
  9 Newton, Morgan            14 The Heat TC            1:08.20   2 
 10 Wyatt, Kennedy            13 Split Second           1:09.88   2 
 11 Palmer, Korri             14 First Light            1:12.84   3 
 12 Lewison, Laruen           13 Date Eagles            1:13.60   2 
 13 Benjamin, Jamilya         14 The Heat TC            1:15.43   4 
 14 Mcdonald, Ivy             14 Date Eagles            1:17.10   5 
 15 Kelly, Kameelah           13 Smyrna TC              1:17.88   3 
 16 Owens, Angelica           14 Date Eagles            1:19.00   5 
 17 Logan, Hannah             13 The Heat TC            1:24.57   3 
 -- Hill, Tamara              14 Smyrna TC                  DNS   4 
 -- Wilson, Aunya             14 Titans TC                  DNS   5 
 -- Duncan, Alexa             13 Morningside                DNS   1 
 -- Rusk, Ciara               14 Split Second               DNS   3 
 -- Rice, Tahirah             14 Titans TC                  DNS   3 
 -- McGruder, Gianna          13 Morningside                DNS   1 
 -- Shaw, Amber               13 Date Eagles                DNS   4 
 -- Richardson, Alyssia       14 Morningside                DNS   1 
Girls 8 & Under 800 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Benton, Ella               8 First Light            3:22.75  
  2 Russell, Nyisa             7 Pebblebrook            3:39.42  
Girls 9-10 800 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Franco, Naomi             10 Saca Youth T           3:01.20  
  2 Frazier, Alexandria       10 Xtreme Veloc           3:02.29  
  3 Bell, Evie                10 First Light            3:02.35  
  4 Bryant, Tiana             10 Date Eagles            3:07.88  
  5 Williams, Patra           10 Date Eagles            3:17.54  
 -- Mazloom, Leila             9 First Light                DNS  
 -- Dukes, Nygeria            10 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Augustus, Celes           10 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Euler, Lauren             10 Mark Trail F               DNS  
Girls 11-12 800 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Coleman, Emoni            11 The Heat TC            2:32.86  
  2 Flowers, Victoria         12 First Light            2:39.93  
  3 Laidlaw, Francis          12 The Heat TC            2:51.47  
  4 House, Paityn             11 Xtreme Veloc           2:53.44  
  5 Powell, Lauren            12 The Heat TC            2:53.49  
  6 Collins, Alyssa           12 The Heat TC            3:05.31  
  7 Wittikiend, Emily         11 The Heat TC            3:06.15  
  8 Yesilova, Zeren           11 Morningside            3:13.44  
  9 Worrell, Brianna          11 Titans TC              3:15.06  
 10 Jenkins, Gelene           11 Date Eagles            3:17.14  
 11 Serres, Mia               12 Xtreme Veloc           3:17.35  
 12 Young, RaChel             12 The Heat TC            3:19.17  
 13 Flores, Kendall           11 The Heat TC            3:23.78  
 14 Foster, Natalie           11 The Heat TC            3:35.05  
 15 Romaine, Danielle         11 The Heat TC            3:43.42  
 -- Trotter, Sparkle          12 Date Eagles                DNS  
Girls 13-14 800 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Wynn, Rebekah             13 Atlanta Elit           2:41.39  
  2 Washington, Kiera         14 Date Eagles            2:43.28  
  3 Rusk, Ciara               14 Split Second           2:44.01  
  4 Palmer, Korri             14 First Light            2:57.96  
  5 Lewison, Laruen           13 Date Eagles            3:15.99  
  6 Owens, Angelica           14 Date Eagles            3:44.24  
 -- McGruder, Gianna          13 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Speight, Aniyah           13 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
Girls 9-10 1600 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Delay, Royal              10 Pebblebrook            6:06.51  
  2 Manley, Morgan            10 Xtreme Veloc           6:22.48  
  3 Williams, Patra           10 Date Eagles            7:01.42  
  4 Bryant, Tiana             10 Date Eagles            7:02.32  
 -- Mazloom, Leila             9 First Light                DNS  
Girls 11-12 1600 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Yesilova, Zeren           11 Morningside            6:57.12  
  2 Serres, Mia               12 Xtreme Veloc           6:58.89  
 -- Kleber, Selena            12 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Trotter, Sparkle          12 Date Eagles                DNS  
Girls 11-12 3000 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Kleber, Selena            12 Morningside           13:22.64  
Girls 7-8 4x100 Meter Relay 4x100
    Team                                                 Finals 
  1 Pebblebrook Jr TC  'A'                              1:11.69  
  2 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                      1:26.52  
  3 Date Eagles  'A'                                    1:36.44  
 -- First Light TC  'A'                                     DNS  
 -- The Heat TC  'A'                                        DNS  
Girls 9-10 4x100 Meter Relay 4x100
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'A'                       1:03.08   1 
  2 Pebblebrook Jr TC  'A'                              1:05.31   2 
  3 Saca Youth Track  'A'                               1:06.54   1 
  4 Date Eagles  'A'                                    1:07.37   2 
 -- First Light TC  'A'                                     DNS   1 
 -- Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                          DNS   2 
 -- The Heat TC  'A'                                        DNS   1 
Girls 11-12 4x100 Meter Relay 4x100
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 The Heat TC  'A'                                      55.90   1 
  2 Georgia Thoroughbreds  'A'                          1:00.34   2 
  3 The Heat TC  'B'                                    1:03.32   1 
  4 Date Eagles  'A'                                    1:04.62   1 
  5 The Heat TC  'C'                                    1:08.57   2 
  6 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                      1:10.00   1 
 -- Pebblebrook Jr TC  'A'                                  DNS   1 
 -- First Light TC  'A'                                     DNS   2 
Girls 13-14 4x100 Meter Relay 4x100
    Team                                                 Finals 
  1 Titans TC  'A'                                        57.54  
  2 Smyrna TC  'A'                                        57.89  
 -- Date Eagles  'A'                                        DNS  
 -- The Heat TC  'A'                                        DNS  
Girls 7-8 4x400 Meter Relay
    Team                                                 Finals 
  1 Pebblebrook Jr TC  'A'                              6:15.84  
  2 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                      7:18.08  
  3 Date Eagles  'A'                                    7:57.36  
 -- First Light TC  'A'                                     DNS  
Girls 9-10 4x400 Meter Relay
    Team                                                 Finals 
  1 Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'A'                       5:13.03  
  2 Pebblebrook Jr TC  'A'                              5:33.40  
  3 Date Eagles  'A'                                    5:44.04  
  4 First Light TC  'A'                                 6:00.24  
 -- Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                          DNS  
 -- The Heat TC  'A'                                        DNS  
Girls 11-12 4x400 Meter Relay
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 The Heat TC  'A'                                    4:28.27   1 
  2 First Light TC  'A'                                 4:28.32   1 
  3 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                      4:42.77   1 
  4 The Heat TC  'B'                                    5:49.09   2 
  5 Date Eagles  'A'                                    6:32.97   1 
 -- Georgia Thoroughbreds  'A'                              DNS   2 
 -- The Heat TC  'C'                                        DNS   2 
Girls 13-14 4x400 Meter Relay
    Team                                                 Finals 
  1 Smyrna TC  'A'                                      4:57.57  
  2 Date Eagles  'A'                                    4:57.96  
 -- The Heat TC  'A'                                        DNS  
 -- First Light TC  'A'                                     DNS  
Girls 11-12 High Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Jones, Tia                12 The Heat TC            5-00.00  
 -- Lester, Sterling          12 First Light                DNS  
Girls 13-14 High Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 McFarthing-Polk, Auriell  14 The Heat TC            4-08.00  
  2 McGrady, Brandi           13 First Light            4-04.00  
  3 Brown, Tahj               14 The Heat TC            4-00.00  
 -- Tillman, Elizabeth        14 Titans TC                  DNS  
Girls 7-8 Long Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Wilson, Amani              8 Pebblebrook            9-07.00  
 -- Thornton, Bailey           7 Xtreme Veloc                ND  
 -- Williams, Nacari           7 Cobb Track                  ND  
 -- Everett, Cydney            7 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Bowman, Aniya              8 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Holsey, Jaden              8 Pebblebrook                DNS  
Girls 9-10 Long Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Weems, Elizabeth          10 Pebblebrook           11-00.00  
  2 Owens, Dondrett           10 The Heat TC           10-07.50  
  3 Euler, Lauren             10 Mark Trail F          10-06.00  
  4 Frazier, Alexandria       10 Xtreme Veloc          10-01.00  
  5 Mcclain, Alaa              9 Saca Youth T           9-07.50  
  6 Jackson, Sarai             9 The Heat TC            9-06.50  
  7 Scott, Jayda              10 Mark Trail F           9-03.00  
  8 Euler, Victoria            9 Mark Trail F           9-01.00  
  9 Franco, Naomi             10 Saca Youth T           8-01.00  
 10 Everett, Kendyll           9 Mark Trail F           8-00.50  
 11 Reddick, Lauren            9 The Heat TC            7-08.50  
 12 Rutledge, Joy              9 Saca Youth T           7-07.00  
 13 Mitchell, Jayla           10 Saca Youth T           6-10.00  
 14 Minor, Zharia              9 Saca Youth T           6-09.00  
 15 Logan, Callie             10 Mark Trail F           5-08.00  
 16 Brown, Brianna             9 Saca Youth T           5-02.00  
 -- Smith, Tierra              9 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Augustus, Celes           10 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Shelley, Jessica          10 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Jackson, Ryan             10 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Manley, Morgan            10 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Delay, Royal              10 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Barnwell, Maya             9 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Boyd, Alexia              10 Date Eagles                DNS  
Girls 11-12 Long Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Beckham, Destiny          12 Georgia Thor          13-08.50  
  2 Johnson, Arianna          11 The Heat TC           10-11.00  
  3 Lewis, Destiny            11 Date Eagles           10-10.50  
  4 Walker, Tasia             11 Pebblebrook           10-06.50  
  5 Kirkly, Nagea             11 Georgia Thor           9-03.00  
  6 Harris, Haley             12 Saca Youth T           8-08.00  
  7 Yesilova, Zeren           11 Morningside            8-06.50  
  8 House, Paityn             11 Xtreme Veloc           8-05.50  
  9 Tucker, Suzuki            11 Pebblebrook            8-05.00  
 10 Hanson, Corbin            12 Saca Youth T           7-08.00  
 -- Greenwood, Jordyn         11 Georgia Thor                ND  
 -- Young, RaChel             12 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Powell, Lauren            12 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Pringle, Jordan           11 Split Second               DNS  
 -- Whitehead, Kyleeyah       11 Split Second               DNS  
 -- Wittikiend, Emily         11 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Copeland, ZoeNicole       12 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Jackson, Taya             11 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Coleman, Emoni            11 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Collins, Alyssa           12 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Laidlaw, Francis          12 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Nolen, Kaiah              11 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Flores, Kendall           11 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Jones, Tia                12 The Heat TC                DNS  
Girls 13-14 Long Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Brown, Tahj               14 The Heat TC           12-02.50  
  2 McFarthing-Polk, Auriell  14 The Heat TC            8-11.00  
 -- Richardson, Alyssia       14 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Tate, Caitlan             14 Split Second               DNS  
 -- Rusk, Ciara               14 Split Second               DNS  
 -- Washington, Kiera         14 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Wyatt, Kennedy            13 Split Second               DNS  
 -- Logan, Hannah             13 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Jones, Alexis             13 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Coleman, Jya              14 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Mack, Jessica             14 The Heat TC                DNS  
Girls 15 Year Olds Long Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Blackmon, Jeva            15 Saca Youth T           9-05.00  
  2 Strother, Emoni           15 Saca Youth T           6-09.50  
 -- Hampton, Skyler           15 Pebblebrook                DNS  
Girls 9-10 Shot Put
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Holley, Breona             9 Titans TC             20-11.00  
  2 Brown, Mekelle             9 Titans TC             14-11.00  
 -- Fisher, Tyla               9 Date Eagles                DNS  
Girls 11-12 Shot Put
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Jackson, Hannah           11 The Heat TC           26-07.00  
  2 Price, Zhaikia            11 Date Eagles           17-08.25  
  3 Foster, Natalie           11 The Heat TC           15-06.00  
  4 Smith, Aailiyah           11 Date Eagles           15-02.00  
  5 Beard, Bryanna            11 Georgia Thor          12-10.50  
  6 Romaine, Danielle         11 The Heat TC           12-02.25  
 -- Gaines, Navine            11 The Heat TC                DNS  
Girls 13-14 Shot Put
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Carrasco, Maddie          14 Titans TC             26-08.25  
  2 Joseph, Shaqiria          13 Titans TC             26-07.25  
  3 Price, Janiya             13 Date Eagles           25-06.75  
  4 Andrews, Zoe              13 Morningside           22-08.50  
  5 Tillman, Margaret         13 Date Eagles           22-06.00  
  6 Ortiz, Alexa              14 Smyrna TC             22-05.00  
  7 Smith, Kaiteur            13 Date Eagles           19-06.25  
  8 Ryan, Camille             13 The Heat TC           16-07.50  
  9 Stokes, Alejai            14 First Light           14-02.00  
 -- Johnson, Tobi             13 Southeast St               DNS  
 -- Bivins, Kayla             13 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Newton, Morgan            14 The Heat TC                DNS  
Girls 6 & Under Discus Throw SBall Throw
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Fraser, Anaya              5 Pebblebrook              21-01  
  2 Brandley, Aanarie          6 Rolling Thun             17-01  
  3 Anderson, Calen            5 Rolling Thun             11-00  
Girls 7-8 Discus Throw SBall Throw
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Moore, Kynnidra            8 Pebblebrook              45-06  
  2 Williams, Champel          8 Welcome All              41-09  
  3 Smith, Kaila               7 Welcome All              28-09  
  4 Wimberly, Ameena           7 Date Eagles              22-01  
  5 Lewis, Kennedy             7 Welcome All              19-06  
  6 Elmore, Amber              7 Date Eagles              15-09  
 -- Muhammad, M-Sajhouday      8 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Stephens, Danielle         8 Welcome All                DNS  
Girls 9-10 Discus Throw SBall Throw
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Thompson, Hannah          10 Date Eagles              87-03  
  2 Ballard, Lovie            10 Saca Youth T             72-04  
  3 Moore, Kynnae             10 Pebblebrook              53-01  
  4 Peagler, Amari            10 Smyrna TC                39-06  
 -- Williams, Nina             9 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Muhammad, M-Akillay       10 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Johnson, Mikayla          10 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Fisher, Tyla               9 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- McKellar, Amari           10 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Jones, Maya                9 Welcome All                DNS  
Girls 11-12 Discus Throw SBall Throw
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Smith, Carissa            12 Smyrna TC               111-06  
  2 Boyd, Katera              12 Date Eagles              69-06  
  3 Price, Zhaikia            11 Date Eagles              52-09  
  4 Perre, Raina              11 Smyrna TC                51-00  
  5 Schofield, Mya            12 Welcome All              47-00  
  6 Bush, India               11 Date Eagles              39-10  
  7 Vassar, Kendal            11 Pebblebrook              39-06  
  8 Smith, Aailiyah           11 Date Eagles              38-00  
  9 Pollard, Danielle         12 Saca Youth T             32-10  
 -- Johnson, Courtney         12 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Kleber, Selena            12 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Adams, Imani              12 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Malcom, Mareshah          11 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Knox, Kylan               11 Welcome All                DNS  
Girls 13-14 Discus Throw SBall Throw
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Tillman, Margaret         13 Date Eagles              90-04  
  2 Andrews, Zoe              13 Morningside              88-00  
  3 Ortiz, Alexa              14 Smyrna TC                76-04  
  4 Washington, Zanadiah      14 Smyrna TC                72-03  
  5 Smith, Kaiteur            13 Date Eagles              70-04  
  6 Shaw, Amber               13 Date Eagles              60-00  
  7 Lewison, Laruen           13 Date Eagles              56-09  
  8 Bivins, Kayla             13 Morningside              56-00  
  9 Price, Janiya             13 Date Eagles              55-05  
 10 Stokes, Alejai            14 First Light              45-04  
 -- Coleman, Jya              14 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Duncan, Alexa             13 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Carrasco, Maddie          14 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- McGruder, Gianna          13 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Joseph, Shaqiria          13 Titans TC                  DNS  
Girls 6 & Under Javelin Throw Standing LJ
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Whitehead, Mearah          6 Split Second              4-08  
  2 Odister, Rachel            6 Smyrna TC                 4-00  
  3 Walker, Dannie             6 Georgia Thor              3-09  
  4 Demps, Monika              5 Rolling Thun              3-08  
  5 Johnson, Mikenzie          6 Welcome All               3-07  
  6 Williams, Gabrielle        6 Welcome All               3-06  
  6 Houston, Ciann             5 Split Second              3-06  
  8 Hall, Nevean               5 Georgia Thor              3-03  
  9 Artumus, Jeneah            5 Pebblebrook               1-03  
 -- Hendrix-Williams, Macken   6 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Blount, Jasmine            6 Rolling Thun               DNS  
 -- Saunders, Tori             6 Split Second               DNS  
Girls 7-8 Javelin Throw Standing LJ
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Pray, Asydiah              8 The Heat TC               4-09  
  1 Jones, Matai               8 Split Second              4-09  
  3 Wayne, Samiya              7 Split Second              4-07  
  4 Marks, Harmony             7 First Light               4-06  
  5 Brown, Zoe                 8 Split Second              4-05  
  6 Ware, Noelle               8 First Light               4-04  
  7 Russell, Nyisa             7 Pebblebrook               4-03  
  8 Sery, Brianna              8 Date Eagles               4-01  
  9 Harvey, Allanna            8 Date Eagles               4-00  
  9 Smith, Jaiyanna            7 The Heat TC               4-00  
 11 Hardin, Amaya              8 The Heat TC               3-10  
 12 Yates, Brooke              8 The Heat TC            3-09.50  
 13 Peters, Aaliyah            8 Split Second              3-05  
 14 Jordan, Myia               8 Georgia Thor              3-04  
 14 Jackson, Tamyra            8 Titans TC                 3-04  
 14 Tate, Serena               7 Split Second              3-04  
 17 Abson, Samara              7 The Heat TC               3-03  
 -- Williams, Fphenix          7 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Peek, Perri                7 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Harrison, Harmony          8 First Light                DNS  
 -- Swint, Kennedy             7 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Riley, Anya                7 The Heat TC                DNS  
Girls 9-10 Javelin Throw Standing LJ
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Williams, Alexis          10 Smyrna TC                 6-11  
  2 Williams, Patra           10 Date Eagles               6-06  
  3 Southern, Zoey             9 First Light               5-09  
  4 Bryant, Tiana             10 Date Eagles               5-04  
  5 Brown, Stormie             9 First Light               4-09  
 -- Linear, Gabrielle         10 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Richardson, Ameah          9 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Milam, McKayla            10 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Milton, Hallei            10 First Light                DNS  
 -- Vassar, Sloane             9 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Williams, Nina             9 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- White, Ashley             10 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Bursey, Alana              9 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Boone, Eryn               10 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Davis, Nazarene           10 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Andrews, Alani            10 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Bland, Elise              10 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Hill, Nialah               9 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Lawler, Mekenna           10 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Dukes, Nygeria            10 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Gover, Whitney            10 Welcome All                DNS  
Girls 11-12 Javelin Throw Standing LJ
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Jenkins, Gelene           11 Date Eagles               6-03  
  2 Bryant, Trinity           11 Titans TC                 3-04  
 -- Dennis, Ayanna            12 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Trotter, Sparkle          12 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Worrell, Brianna          11 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Dunnigan, Egypt           12 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Brown, Nia                11 Split Second               DNS  
 -- Appling, Tenaya           11 First Light                DNS  
 -- Canty, Nayal              11 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Baxter, Destiny           12 Welcome All                DNS  
Girls 13-14 Javelin Throw Standing LJ
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
 -- Nicholson, Daja           13 Rolling Thun               DNS  
 -- Mcdonald, Ivy             14 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Thornton, Victoria        14 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Hill, Tamara              14 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Dunnigan, Eboni           13 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Kelly, Kameelah           13 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
Boys 6 & Under 50 Meter Dash 50M Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Neal, Kaleb                6 Split Second              7.76   4 
  2 Johnson, Darrius           6 Welcome All               7.81   4 
  3 Robinson, Jason            6 Mark Trail F              7.82   5 
  4 Flowers, Justin            6 Date Eagles               7.84   6 
  5 Jennings, Jaedrick         6 Mark Trail F              8.07   5 
  6 Jordan, Omari              6 Georgia Thor              8.51   6 
  7 Campbell, Chance           5 Rolling Thun              8.77   1 
  8 Peters, Deauntae           6 Atlanta Elit              8.91   1 
  9 Dacey, Ramon               6 Saca Youth T              8.92   6 
 10 Hammitt, Aamir             5 Rolling Thun              8.93   1 
 11 PopeII, Kelvin             6 Welcome All               9.16   2 
 12 Brant, Coen                6 Morningside               9.18   2 
 13 Allen, Jaylon              4 The Heat TC               9.21   5 
 14 Howard, Jordan             6 Welcome All               9.35   3 
 15 Weems, Sekani              6 Saca Youth T              9.43   3 
 16 Hodges, Blake              5 The Heat TC               9.45   6 
 17 Weems, Azaan               6 Saca Youth T              9.97   4 
 18 Ward, Christian            6 Smyrna TC                10.19   3 
 19 Leach, Jaharre             4 Georgia Thor             10.33   5 
 20 CooperIne, Clifford        5 Rolling Thun             10.58   5 
 21 Belisle, Bryce             5 Mark Trail F             11.03   3 
 22 Williams, Grant            5 Welcome All              11.73   5 
 -- Hunt, Caleb                5 Welcome All                DNS   2 
 -- Gilmere, Carlos            6 Pebblebrook                DNS   1 
 -- Carter, Dontavious         5 Pebblebrook                DNS   2 
 -- Williams, Joseph           5 Welcome All                DNS   4 
 -- Williams, Michael          6 Welcome All                DNS   2 
 -- Smith, Tylan               6 Pebblebrook                DNS   1 
 -- Story, Chase               6 Atlanta Elit               DNS   1 
 -- Kuti, Omari                5 Southeast St               DNS   4 
 -- Trotter, Truth             6 Date Eagles                DNS   3 
 -- Thrasher, Marvin           6 Rolling Thun               DNS   6 
Boys 7-8 50 Meter Dash 50M Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Bonner, Maurice            7 Split Second              6.98   4 
  2 Thomas, Ethan              8 Mark Trail F              7.00   4 
  3 Saulsberry, Kenneth        8 Welcome All               7.28   4 
  4 Kenner, Drew               8 Saca Youth T              7.30   5 
  5 Gaither, Xavier            7 Rolling Thun              7.34   1 
  6 Steward, Damarion          8 Saca Youth T              7.35   5 
  7 Powell, Tyquan             8 Welcome All               7.43   3 
  8 Clark, Devin               7 Welcome All               7.45   5 
  9 Harvey, Keith              8 Split Second              7.48   4 
 10 Walker, Justin             7 Titans TC                 7.50   5 
 11 Brant, Curran              8 Morningside               7.51   2 
 12 Johnson, Courtney          8 Mark Trail F              7.61   2 
 13 Hall, Christopher          8 Morningside               7.70   1 
 14 Thomas, Devin              7 Mark Trail F              7.82   6 
 15 Weems, Shingo              7 Saca Youth T              7.97   3 
 16 Coley, Boris               7 Date Eagles               7.99   3 
 17 Phillips, Dontavius        8 Pebblebrook               8.18   1 
 18 Webb, Michael              8 Atlanta Elit              8.19   4 
 19 Byrd, Christopher          8 Pebblebrook               8.31   1 
 20 Adams, Bret                7 Smyrna TC                 8.37   3 
 21 Berry, Jason               7 Smyrna TC                 8.38   2 
 22 Page, Neckolous            7 Date Eagles               8.48   4 
 23 Tally, Richard             7 Rolling Thun              8.67   3 
 24 StevensonJr, Kenneth       7 Welcome All               8.73   3 
 25 Walker, Mike               7 Georgia Thor              8.76   6 
 26 Royster, Nasir             7 Rolling Thun              8.94   6 
 -- Fisher, Camden             7 Date Eagles                DNS   2 
 -- Bashir, Koedah             8 Welcome All                DNS   5 
 -- Beaty, Miles               8 Titans TC                  DNS   1 
 -- Carr, Tyson                7 Welcome All                DNS   6 
 -- Robinson, Brad             8 Xtreme Veloc               DNS   1 
 -- Bashir, Karmelo            7 Welcome All                DNS   5 
 -- Kuti, Oladipo              8 Southeast St               DNS   2 
 -- McCloud, Coleman           7 Rolling Thun               DNS   2 
Boys 9-10 50 Meter Dash 50M Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Newman, Timonthy          10 Georgia Thor              6.57   3 
  2 Douglas, Andrew            9 Mark Trail F              6.64   5 
  3 Austin, Jaden             10 Georgia Thor              6.67   2 
  4 Belisle, Dylan            10 Mark Trail F              6.74   4 
  4 Brant, Canaan             10 Morningside               6.74   1 
  6 Gaines, Charles            9 The Heat TC               6.90   2 
  7 Jones, Tory                9 Georgia Thor              6.91   3 
  8 Hubbard, Justin            9 Georgia Thor              6.95   3 
  9 Ogleaby, Terrell          10 Titans TC                 6.98   2 
 10 Marshall, Troix           10 Welcome All               7.00   1 
 10 Warren, Cameron           10 Mark Trail F              7.00   5 
 12 Kearse, Michael           10 Titans TC                 7.01   4 
 13 Terrell, Thomas           10 Atlanta Elit              7.11   1 
 14 Marshall, Doir            10 Welcome All               7.23   3 
 15 Bryant, Conarey           10 Titans TC                 7.31   5 
 16 Story, Christian          10 Atlanta Elit              7.42   1 
 17 Davis, Jamauri            10 Welcome All               7.48   4 
 18 Hooper, Samuel             9 Pebblebrook               7.64   1 
 19 Hines, Colin              10 Mark Trail F              7.82   3 
 20 Pope, David                9 Welcome All               8.25   5 
 21 Royster, Keshon           10 Rolling Thun              9.09   2 
 22 Williams, Camron           9 Atlanta Elit              9.39   3 
 -- Thomas, Tija              10 Pebblebrook                DNS   4 
 -- Wilson, Michael            9 Pebblebrook                DNS   5 
 -- Hawkins, Parris            9 Split Second               DNS   2 
 -- Mark, Kimali              10 Welcome All                DNS   4 
 -- Burke, Jaylen             10 Rolling Thun               DNS   1 
 -- Stephens, Jeremy          10 Welcome All                DNS   4 
 -- Mincy, DaNas              10 Welcome All                DNS   2 
Boys 6 & Under 100 Meter Dash 4-6 Year old
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Robinson, Jason            6 Mark Trail F             18.39   3 
  2 Johnson, Darrius           6 Welcome All              18.71   3 
  3 Neal, Kaleb                6 Split Second             18.96   1 
  4 Howard, Jordan             6 Welcome All              19.00   5 
  5 Flowers, Justin            6 Date Eagles              19.06   4 
  6 Jordan, Omari              6 Georgia Thor             19.60   2 
  7 Campbell, Chance           5 Rolling Thun             19.72   2 
  8 Jennings, Jaedrick         6 Mark Trail F             20.09   1 
  9 Dacey, Ramon               6 Saca Youth T             20.51   5 
 10 Thrasher, Marvin           6 Rolling Thun             20.64   5 
 11 Hammitt, Aamir             5 Rolling Thun             21.65   6 
 12 Brant, Coen                6 Morningside              21.89   6 
 13 Story, Chase               6 Atlanta Elit             22.17   5 
 14 PopeII, Kelvin             6 Welcome All              23.10   4 
 15 Allen, Jaylon              4 The Heat TC              23.19   5 
 16 Hodges, Blake              5 The Heat TC              24.00   1 
 17 Hunt, Caleb                5 Welcome All              24.07   1 
 18 Ward, Christian            6 Smyrna TC                24.15   3 
 19 Weems, Azaan               6 Saca Youth T             24.70   2 
 20 CooperIne, Clifford        5 Rolling Thun             25.25   1 
 21 Belisle, Bryce             5 Mark Trail F             27.87   1 
 22 Leach, Jaharre             4 Georgia Thor             28.99   2 
 23 Weems, Sekani              6 Saca Youth T             29.08   4 
 24 Williams, Grant            5 Welcome All              29.22   2 
 -- Williams, Joseph           5 Welcome All                DNS   6 
 -- Gilmere, Carlos            6 Pebblebrook                DNS   4 
 -- Williams, Michael          6 Welcome All                DNS   3 
 -- Smith, Tylan               6 Pebblebrook                DNS   3 
 -- Kuti, Omari                5 Southeast St               DNS   4 
 -- Peters, Deauntae           6 Atlanta Elit               DNS   3 
 -- Carter, Dontavious         5 Pebblebrook                DNS   2 
 -- Trotter, Truth             6 Date Eagles                DNS   4 
Boys 7-8 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Adetosoye, Tomiwa          8 Titans TC                15.90   7 
  2 Riley, Savion              8 The Heat TC              16.25   4 
  3 Carr, Tyson                7 Welcome All              16.28   4 
  4 Jenkins, Italo             7 Mark Trail F             16.33   1 
  5 Thomas, Ethan              8 Mark Trail F             16.60   8 
  6 Morgan, Joshua             8 Date Eagles              16.65   1 
  7 Smith, Alex                7 Atlanta Elit             16.68   9 
  8 Johnson, Michael           8 Welcome All              16.90   5 
  9 Steward, Damarion          8 Saca Youth T             17.06   9 
 10 Booker, Caleb              8 Pebblebrook              17.07   4 
 11 Robinson, Brad             8 Xtreme Veloc             17.12   6 
 12 Renfroe, DaeShawn          7 Southeast St             17.13   4 
 13 Johnson, Courtney          8 Mark Trail F             17.16   6 
 14 Powell, Tyquan             8 Welcome All              17.19   8 
 15 Hall, Christopher          8 Morningside              17.27   5 
 16 Kenner, Drew               8 Saca Youth T             17.29   5 
 17 Coleman, ChristopherJr     8 The Heat TC              17.30   3 
 18 Saulsberry, Kenneth        8 Welcome All              17.42  10 
 19 Gaither, Xavier            7 Rolling Thun             17.47   1 
 20 Blaise, Carson             8 Date Eagles              17.48   7 
 21 Simon, Tyler               8 Georgia Thor             17.50   8 
 22 Clark, Devin               7 Welcome All              17.59   9 
 23 Thomas, Sean               8 Date Eagles              17.75   3 
 24 Maddox, Gary               7 Smyrna TC                17.77   2 
 25 Walker, Justin             7 Titans TC                17.89   1 
 26 Kuti, Oladipo              8 Southeast St             17.97   7 
 27 Callahan, Joshua           8 Saca Youth T             18.06   7 
 28 Davis, Amari               8 Smyrna TC                18.08   6 
 29 Harvey, Keith              8 Split Second             18.47   3 
 30 Phillips, Dontavius        8 Pebblebrook              18.49   3 
 31 Leach, Xavier              7 Georgia Thor             18.59   1 
 32 Welcher, Corey             7 Georgia Thor             18.65   2 
 33 Shoates, Nolan             8 Atlanta Elit             18.67   2 
 34 Thomas, Devin              7 Mark Trail F             18.70   1 
 35 Brant, Curran              8 Morningside              18.77  10 
 36 Walton, Enzo               7 Smyrna TC                19.35   6 
 37 Byrd, Christopher          8 Pebblebrook              19.38   6 
 38 Jenkins, Jamair            7 Welcome All              19.59   5 
 39 Tennell, Octavion          7 Georgia Thor             19.85   7 
 40 Bonner, Maurice            7 Split Second             19.95   5 
 41 Adams, Bret                7 Smyrna TC                20.21   3 
 42 Weems, Shingo              7 Saca Youth T             20.37   3 
 43 Berry, Jason               7 Smyrna TC                20.46   2 
 44 Coley, Boris               7 Date Eagles              20.71   9 
 45 Webb, Michael              8 Atlanta Elit             21.43   4 
 46 Mullinos, Elijah           7 Georgia Thor             21.81   8 
 47 Walker, Mike               7 Georgia Thor             22.70   9 
 48 StevensonJr, Kenneth       7 Welcome All              23.05  10 
 49 Page, Neckolous            7 Date Eagles              23.44   4 
 50 Royster, Nasir             7 Rolling Thun             23.81   5 
 -- McCloud, Coleman           7 Rolling Thun               DNS   2 
 -- Beaty, Miles               8 Titans TC                  DNS   8 
 -- Tremble, Tyler             8 Cobb Track                 DNS  10 
 -- Bashir, Karmelo            7 Welcome All                DNS   8 
 -- Tally, Richard             7 Rolling Thun               DNS   7 
 -- Bashir, Koedah             8 Welcome All                DNS   6 
 -- Fisher, Camden             7 Date Eagles                DNS   2 
Boys 9-10 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Parris, Xavier             9 The Heat TC              14.09   1 
  2 Robinson, Micah           10 Atlanta Elit             14.14   1 
  3 Adams, Remington           9 The Heat TC              14.50   6 
  4 Reese, Quinton            10 The Heat TC              14.52   8 
  5 Belisle, Dylan            10 Mark Trail F             14.57  10 
  6 Burke, Jaylen             10 Rolling Thun             14.67   5 
  7 Harell, Kristopher        10 Georgia Thor             14.71  10 
  8 Newman, Timonthy          10 Georgia Thor             14.81   5 
  9 Douglas, Andrew            9 Mark Trail F             14.84   3 
 10 Thorton, Cole             10 Xtreme Veloc             14.87   8 
 11 Harvey, Davarian          10 First Light              14.91   7 
 11 Dobard, Charles           10 Atlanta Elit             14.91   6 
 13 Hall, Branson             10 The Heat TC              14.96   7 
 14 Deas, Dallas               9 The Heat TC              15.02   2 
 15 Mark, Kimali              10 Welcome All              15.03   8 
 16 Wilborn, Justin            9 Morningside              15.14   6 
 17 Griffin, Javier           10 Atlanta Elit             15.16   4 
 18 Penn, Nigel               10 Saca Youth T             15.34   9 
 19 Austin, Jaden             10 Georgia Thor             15.48  10 
 20 Jones, Jaquavious         10 Pebblebrook              15.50   4 
 21 McElheney, Doriean        10 First Light              15.66   4 
 22 Neville, Jaiden           10 The Heat TC              15.71   1 
 23 Wilson, Michael            9 Pebblebrook              15.77   7 
 24 Brant, Canaan             10 Morningside              15.83   2 
 25 Hubbard, Justin            9 Georgia Thor             15.84  10 
 26 Reed, Jordan              10 Date Eagles              15.85   2 
 27 Warren, Cameron           10 Mark Trail F             15.95   2 
 28 Gilbert, Jacobi            9 Welcome All              15.98   5 
 29 Jones, Tory                9 Georgia Thor             16.00  10 
 30 Davis, Jamauri            10 Welcome All              16.06   3 
 31 Hooks, Elijah              9 First Light              16.11   9 
 31 Terrell, Thomas           10 Atlanta Elit             16.11   5 
 33 Pittman, Myles            10 The Heat TC              16.13   7 
 33 McCleod, Gavin            10 Xtreme Veloc             16.13   8 
 35 Kearse, Michael           10 Titans TC                16.20   1 
 36 Stately, Xavier            9 Atlanta Elit             16.27   9 
 37 Marshall, Troix           10 Welcome All              16.28   4 
 38 Mays, Dominic              9 Pebblebrook              16.37   8 
 39 Bryant, Conarey           10 Titans TC                16.57   3 
 40 Hawkins, Parris            9 Split Second             16.74   4 
 41 Johnson, Nolan             9 Mark Trail F             16.83   1 
 42 Stephens, Jeremy          10 Welcome All              16.90   6 
 42 Hatcher, Cameron          10 Atlanta Elit             16.90   9 
 44 Hines, Colin              10 Mark Trail F             16.94   4 
 45 Brown, Brian               9 Saca Youth T             17.00   5 
 46 Ogleaby, Terrell          10 Titans TC                17.17   2 
 47 Torrence, Rashad          10 Atlanta Elit             17.35   3 
 48 Thomas, Tija              10 Pebblebrook              17.39   1 
 49 Marshall, Doir            10 Welcome All              17.60   2 
 50 Odister, Rankin            9 Smyrna TC                17.77   6 
 51 Quarles, Kelby             9 Pebblebrook              17.95   6 
 52 Hooper, Samuel             9 Pebblebrook              18.03   7 
 53 Ramsey, Kyle               9 Smyrna TC                20.12   9 
 54 Royster, Keshon           10 Rolling Thun             22.36   3 
 55 Williams, Camron           9 Atlanta Elit             22.90   5 
 56 Walker, Knighton           9 Xtreme Veloc             25.42   7 
 -- Story, Christian          10 Atlanta Elit               DNS   9 
 -- Mincy, DaNas              10 Welcome All                DNS   8 
 -- Collier, Cornelius        10 Georgia Thor               DNS  10 
 -- Pope, David                9 Welcome All                DNS   3 
Boys 11-12 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Shelley, Justin           11 Mark Trail F             13.50   7 
  2 SmithII, Christopher      12 Welcome All              13.56   4 
  3 Nichols, Darrell          12 Atlanta Elit             13.59   6 
  4 Douglas, Austin           12 Mark Trail F             13.72   6 
  5 Griffin, Justin           11 Mark Trail F             13.74   4 
  6 Webb, Malik               12 Atlanta Elit             13.91   1 
  7 Johnson, Norman           12 Mark Trail F             14.03   1 
  8 Dukes, Corinthian         12 Titans TC                14.09   4 
  9 Horton, Christopher       11 Welcome All              14.28   8 
 10 Owens, Dominic            11 Welcome All              14.53   3 
 11 Gibson, Byron             11 Titans TC                14.70   7 
 12 Grey, Cahliyal            11 Titans TC                14.71   1 
 13 Hill, Donnavan            11 Georgia Thor             14.72   3 
 14 Williams, Ross            12 Morningside              14.73   6 
 14 Forrest, Rodricus         12 Morningside              14.73   4 
 16 Howard, Jalen             11 Welcome All              14.76   4 
 17 Dickerson, NaeSaan        11 Welcome All              14.77   2 
 18 Neals, Evin               11 Pebblebrook              14.78   1 
 19 Smith, Tajiri             11 Welcome All              14.89   3 
 20 Belcher, Kendall          11 Georgia Thor             14.91   8 
 21 Jenkins, Jalen            11 Welcome All              14.92   5 
 22 Vidal, Kimani             11 Atlanta Elit             15.03   5 
 23 Lloyd, Chase              11 Welcome All              15.09   8 
 24 Williams, Colby           12 Atlanta Elit             15.10   2 
 25 Franklin, Chad            12 Xtreme Veloc             15.17   4 
 26 Carter, Tristen           12 Georgia Thor             15.18   7 
 27 Lewis, Julien             11 Xtreme Veloc             15.28   2 
 28 Lee, Canaan               12 Titans TC                15.33   9 
 29 Coleman, Jacquez          11 Pebblebrook              15.36   6 
 30 Delaune, Dane             12 Titans TC                15.39   6 
 31 Ross, Jalen               11 Pebblebrook              15.63   6 
 32 Jones, Demarcus           12 Pebblebrook              15.79   2 
 33 Ringer, Xavier            11 Pebblebrook              15.80   2 
 34 Fouch, Shemar             12 Welcome All              15.86   5 
 35 Hardin, Bobby             12 The Heat TC              15.95   8 
 36 Maddox, James             11 First Light              16.14   7 
 37 Matthews, Bryce           12 Southeast St             16.29   3 
 38 Winston, Jaelin           12 Pebblebrook              16.50   1 
 39 Brown, Joshua             11 Smyrna TC                16.52   5 
 39 Hannans, Shaun            11 Southeast St             16.52   9 
 41 Herron, Trevone           12 Georgia Thor             16.59   2 
 42 Harris, Taurean           11 First Light              16.68   7 
 43 Hatcher, Chris            12 Atlanta Elit             16.87   3 
 44 Bashir, Dasani            11 Welcome All              17.13   9 
 45 Beck, Dierre              12 Atlanta Elit             17.20   9 
 46 Graham, Wesley            11 Smyrna TC                17.24   9 
 47 Linear, Kaiel             12 The Heat TC              17.58   5 
 48 Peek, James               11 Georgia Thor             18.59   8 
 49 Wright, Jaylen            12 Welcome All              18.96   5 
 -- Banks, Andrew             11 Atlanta Elit               DNS   7 
 -- Lee, Dazmond              11 Date Eagles                DNS   8 
 -- Ross, Jamarous            11 Southeast St               DNS   9 
 -- Nikolich, Alek            12 Titans TC                  DNS   3 
 -- Thomas, Amaja             12 Southeast St               DNS   1 
Boys 13-14 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Beckham, Terry            14 Georgia Thor             11.92   5 
  2 Jackson, Jajuan           14 Georgia Thor             12.43   1 
  3 Ogleaby, Antonio          14 Titans TC                12.49   6 
  4 Stovall, Corey            14 The Heat TC              12.61   1 
  5 Taylor, Janari            14 Welcome All              12.64   1 
  6 Gouch, Ezekio             13 Georgia Thor             12.94   7 
  7 Bowie, Tyrone             14 Georgia Thor             13.14   3 
  8 Davis-Giles, Tyrique      13 Mark Trail F             13.45   4 
  9 Lane, Jaquvious           13 Mark Trail F             13.49   2 
 10 Wilson, Montreal          13 Smyrna TC                13.85   5 
 11 Jones, Miles              13 Split Second             13.88   6 
 12 Ruiz, Edmund              13 Xtreme Veloc             14.08   5 
 13 Hargrove, Kymory          13 Mark Trail F             14.10   1 
 14 Sample, Cameron           13 Split Second             14.16   2 
 14 McKinley, Jordan          14 Smyrna TC                14.16   7 
 16 Hendricks, Jordan         13 Georgia Thor             14.30   3 
 17 Holley, Andre             14 Titans TC                14.39   5 
 18 Corbett, Donnavan         13 Georgia Thor             14.43   5 
 19 Black, Dante              13 Xtreme Veloc             14.80   4 
 20 Spears, Dylan             13 Titans TC                15.39   3 
 21 Brown, Caleb              13 Titans TC                15.46   1 
 22 Frazier, Quintin          13 Xtreme Veloc             15.51   2 
 23 Hellen, Avery             14 Titans TC                16.32   1 
 24 Willingham, Micheal       13 Date Eagles              16.56   4 
 25 Richards, Sean            13 Date Eagles              19.11   5 
 -- Robinson, Jaysen          14 Titans TC                  DNS   2 
 -- Tennessee, Zachary        13 Titans TC                  DNS   4 
 -- Ware, Albert              13 Southeast St               DNS   7 
 -- Cress, Demietrius         14 Xtreme Veloc               DNS   4 
 -- Comma, Jayden             14 Titans TC                  DNS   2 
 -- Jones, Michael            13 Atlanta Elit               DNS   3 
 -- Adams, Jacorie            13 Pebblebrook                DNS   4 
 -- Best, Keith               14 The Heat TC                DNS   2 
 -- McJunkins, Joshua         14 Pebblebrook                DNS   6 
 -- MincyJr, Daleray          14 Welcome All                DNS   6 
 -- Lapeyrolerie, Michael     14 Titans TC                  DNS   3 
 -- Martin, Jah-Maine         14 Welcome All                DNS   3 
Boys 15 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Dozier, Isaiah            15 Xtreme Veloc             12.29   2 
  2 Sumrall, Salento          15 Smyrna TC                12.42   1 
  3 Long, Bryan               15 Titans TC                12.47   2 
  4 Tull, Ethan               15 Titans TC                12.50   1 
 -- McKnight, Desmond         15 Welcome All                DNS   1 
 -- McCray, Phillip           15 Titans TC                  DNS   2 
 -- Murchison, Ahmad          15 Pebblebrook                DNS   1 
 -- Comma, Jordan             15 Titans TC                  DNS   1 
 -- Boyce, Daniel             15 Titans TC                  DNS   2 
 -- Mathis, Elijah            15 Welcome All                DNS   1 
 -- Corley, Dandre            15 Welcome All                DNS   2 
Boys 7-8 200 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Henry, Kyle                8 Atlanta Elit             34.19   1 
  2 Callahan, Joshua           8 Saca Youth T             34.26   1 
  3 Taylor, Ryan               8 The Heat TC              34.95   3 
  4 Teamer, Antowine           8 Date Eagles              35.19   2 
  5 Smith, Alex                7 Atlanta Elit             35.46   1 
  6 Robinson, Joel             8 Xtreme Veloc             35.97   1 
  7 Jenkins, Italo             7 Mark Trail F             36.21   4 
  8 Blaise, Carson             8 Date Eagles              36.91   3 
  9 Renfroe, DaeShawn          7 Southeast St             36.96   2 
 10 Morgan, Joshua             8 Date Eagles              37.01   4 
 11 Davis, Amari               8 Smyrna TC                37.06   4 
 12 Shoates, Nolan             8 Atlanta Elit             38.21   1 
 13 Tate, Jamel                8 Date Eagles              38.22   5 
 14 Lanear, Brandon            7 The Heat TC              38.42   3 
 15 Maddox, Gary               7 Smyrna TC                38.51   3 
 16 Todd, Jeremiah             8 Mark Trail F             39.40   2 
 17 Tremble, Tyler             8 Cobb Track               40.22   4 
 18 Thomas, Sean               8 Date Eagles              40.26   5 
 19 Mason, Patrick             8 Atlanta Elit             40.31   5 
 20 Leach, Xavier              7 Georgia Thor             41.35   3 
 21 Simon, Tyler               8 Georgia Thor             43.16   2 
 22 Welcher, Corey             7 Georgia Thor             43.30   2 
 23 Tennell, Octavion          7 Georgia Thor             43.96   2 
 24 Walton, Enzo               7 Smyrna TC                45.81   3 
 -- Booker, Caleb              8 Pebblebrook                DNS   1 
 -- Allen, John                7 Pebblebrook                DNS   4 
Boys 9-10 200 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Robinson, Micah           10 Atlanta Elit             29.73   1 
  2 Adams, Remington           9 The Heat TC              30.59   6 
  3 Tucker, Dyas              10 First Light              31.26   2 
  4 Bumper, Julian            10 The Heat TC              31.37   2 
  4 Thorton, Cole             10 Xtreme Veloc             31.37   1 
  6 Dobard, Charles           10 Atlanta Elit             31.38   3 
  7 Deas, Dallas               9 The Heat TC              32.08   1 
  8 Wilborn, Justin            9 Morningside              32.12   1 
  9 Herndon, Michael          10 Atlanta Elit             32.37   2 
  9 Harvey, Davarian          10 First Light              32.37   5 
 11 Balfour, Jamir             9 Date Eagles              32.51   5 
 12 Penn, Nigel               10 Saca Youth T             32.59   6 
 13 Harell, Kristopher        10 Georgia Thor             32.70   2 
 14 Jones, Jaquavious         10 Pebblebrook              33.20   2 
 15 Gilbert, Jacobi            9 Welcome All              33.63   5 
 16 McElheney, Doriean        10 First Light              33.87   3 
 17 Griffin, Javier           10 Atlanta Elit             34.16   5 
 18 Barmore, Troy             10 Atlanta Elit             34.67   7 
 19 Abson, Brian              10 The Heat TC              34.86   4 
 20 McCleod, Gavin            10 Xtreme Veloc             34.97   2 
 21 Logan, Tad                 9 Mark Trail F             35.06   4 
 22 Hooks, Elijah              9 First Light              35.86   7 
 23 Walker, Knighton           9 Xtreme Veloc             36.41   3 
 24 Dubose, Isiah             10 The Heat TC              36.97   5 
 25 Craig, Jaryd              10 Xtreme Veloc             37.01   3 
 26 Reed, Jordan              10 Date Eagles              37.07   4 
 27 Collier, Cornelius        10 Georgia Thor             37.32   5 
 28 Johnson, Nolan             9 Mark Trail F             37.34   7 
 29 Bradley, Rashaad           9 Welcome All              37.82   4 
 30 House, Aaron              10 Atlanta Elit             37.88   6 
 31 Camp, Christian           10 Date Eagles              38.24   1 
 32 Brown, Brian               9 Saca Youth T             38.66   3 
 33 James, Akinni              9 First Light              39.33   1 
 34 Quarles, Kelby             9 Pebblebrook              39.69   6 
 35 Harrison, Knazier         10 First Light              40.07   4 
 36 DeJesus, David             9 Southeast St             41.43   7 
 37 Lattimore, Khalin          9 Georgia Thor             42.71   4 
 38 Bassa, Joseph             10 The Heat TC              46.37   7 
 39 Ramsey, Kyle               9 Smyrna TC                46.67   6 
 -- Jackson, Rashaad           9 Date Eagles                DNS   6 
 -- Grant, Carrington          9 Morningside                DNS   3 
Boys 11-12 200 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Anderson, Rainey          12 Atlanta Elit             27.60   1 
  2 Shelley, Justin           11 Mark Trail F             28.17  11 
  3 Griffin, Justin           11 Mark Trail F             28.21   8 
  4 Brown, Xavier             12 Georgia Thor             28.35   9 
  5 Hunter, Francisco         12 Mark Trail F             28.51   3 
  6 Tillman, Gerald           11 Date Eagles              28.58   8 
  7 Webb, Malik               12 Atlanta Elit             28.61   2 
  8 Tomlin, Justin            12 Mark Trail F             28.62   5 
  9 Douglas, Austin           12 Mark Trail F             28.64   6 
 10 Reese, Avery              12 Cobb Track               29.33   2 
 11 Nichols, Darrell          12 Atlanta Elit             29.55  10 
 12 Girtman, Joel             12 Atlanta Elit             29.73  11 
 13 Perkins, Nahil            11 Xtreme Veloc             29.98   4 
 14 Williams, Ross            12 Morningside              30.39   3 
 15 Hill, Donnavan            11 Georgia Thor             30.68   3 
 16 Oliver, Danny             11 Morningside              30.74   4 
 17 Campbell, Malik           12 Date Eagles              30.75   5 
 18 Charles, Zachary          11 Xtreme Veloc             31.11   2 
 19 Thomas, Amaja             12 Southeast St             31.29  11 
 20 Fritzgerald, Nasir        12 Mark Trail F             31.34   1 
 21 Belcher, Kendall          11 Georgia Thor             31.36  12 
 22 Johnson, Taji             11 First Light              31.38   4 
 23 Vidal, Kimani             11 Atlanta Elit             31.40   5 
 24 Simon, Arel               11 Date Eagles              31.81   7 
 25 Harris, Terence           12 First Light              31.87   1 
 26 Avery, Terence            11 Saca Youth T             32.05   4 
 27 Carter, Tristen           12 Georgia Thor             32.24   6 
 28 Ringer, Xavier            11 Pebblebrook              32.32  10 
 29 Coleman, Jacquez          11 Pebblebrook              32.38   6 
 29 Williams, Colby           12 Atlanta Elit             32.38   4 
 31 Hardin, Bobby             12 The Heat TC              32.39  10 
 32 Forrest, Rodricus         12 Morningside              32.65   1 
 33 Pless, Victor             11 The Heat TC              32.68   3 
 34 Franklin, Chad            12 Xtreme Veloc             32.81   1 
 35 Frederick, RaSean         11 Atlanta Elit             33.07   3 
 36 Ellington, Dawson         12 Atlanta Elit             33.32  12 
 37 Morgan, Nathaniel         11 Date Eagles              33.73  10 
 38 Euler, Austin             12 Mark Trail F             33.84   9 
 39 Terrell, Tony             12 Morningside              33.98   6 
 40 Winston, Jaelin           12 Pebblebrook              34.43   2 
 41 Ross, Jalen               11 Pebblebrook              35.12   1 
 42 Hatcher, Chris            12 Atlanta Elit             35.22   6 
 43 Manley, Trent             12 Xtreme Veloc             35.57  11 
 44 Fouch, Shemar             12 Welcome All              35.60   7 
 45 Harris, Taurean           11 First Light              35.99   9 
 46 Newkirk, ErikRay          11 The Heat TC              36.57   9 
 47 Maddox, James             11 First Light              36.61   2 
 48 Walker, Ethan             11 Georgia Thor             36.96  10 
 49 Hannans, Shaun            11 Southeast St             37.17  12 
 50 Graham, Wesley            11 Smyrna TC                37.25   9 
 51 Herron, Trevone           12 Georgia Thor             37.34   2 
 52 Beck, Dierre              12 Atlanta Elit             38.72   9 
 53 Peek, James               11 Georgia Thor             39.58  11 
 54 Thomas, Davian            11 The Heat TC              44.30   7 
 -- Thomas, Jalen             11 Xtreme Veloc               DNS   7 
 -- Vaughn, Zar               11 The Heat TC                DNS   4 
 -- Krakue, Marlon            11 The Heat TC                DNS  12 
 -- Johnson, Norman           12 Mark Trail F               DNS   7 
 -- Lewis, Julien             11 Xtreme Veloc               DNS   3 
 -- Banks, Andrew             11 Atlanta Elit               DNS   7 
 -- Allen, Freddie            11 The Heat TC                DNS   8 
 -- Johnson, Craig            12 Morningside                DNS   5 
 -- Ross, Jamarous            11 Southeast St               DNS   8 
 -- Read, Tyler               11 The Heat TC                DNS   5 
 -- Speight, Joshua           12 Xtreme Veloc               DNS   6 
 -- Morris, Parker            12 The Heat TC                DNS  11 
 -- Rainey, Jannard           12 Atlanta Elit               DNS   8 
Boys 13-14 200 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Beckham, Terry            14 Georgia Thor             24.85   1 
  2 Taylor, Janari            14 Welcome All              25.41   5 
  3 Jackson, Jajuan           14 Georgia Thor             25.69   1 
  4 Ware, Noah                13 First Light              25.79   2 
  5 Williams, Jamonne         13 Atlanta Elit             26.11   1 
  6 Bowie, Tyrone             14 Georgia Thor             26.93   1 
  7 Gouch, Ezekio             13 Georgia Thor             26.96   2 
  8 Douglas, Javon            13 Mark Trail F             26.97   4 
  9 Davis-Giles, Tyrique      13 Mark Trail F             27.11   4 
 10 MincyJr, Daleray          14 Welcome All              27.13   6 
 11 Wayne, Rodney             13 Split Second             27.62   6 
 12 Lane, Jaquvious           13 Mark Trail F             27.87   4 
 13 Wilson, Montreal          13 Smyrna TC                28.34   5 
 14 Jones, Miles              13 Split Second             28.50   6 
 15 Romaine, Jarod            14 The Heat TC              28.59   5 
 16 Hargrove, Kymory          13 Mark Trail F             28.83   6 
 17 Knight, Kendrick          13 The Heat TC              29.03   3 
 18 Hendricks, Jordan         13 Georgia Thor             29.17   6 
 19 Ruiz, Edmund              13 Xtreme Veloc             29.91   2 
 20 Corbett, Donnavan         13 Georgia Thor             30.26   3 
 21 Sample, Cameron           13 Split Second             30.46   4 
 22 Walker, Deanthony         13 Georgia Thor             30.59   5 
 23 Black, Dante              13 Xtreme Veloc             30.62   2 
 24 Cress, Demietrius         14 Xtreme Veloc             31.27   1 
 25 Frazier, Quintin          13 Xtreme Veloc             32.90   1 
 26 Bumper, Jaelin            13 The Heat TC              36.09   4 
 -- Stovall, Corey            14 The Heat TC                DNS   2 
 -- Ware, Albert              13 Southeast St               DNS   5 
 -- Jones, Kwesi              13 Atlanta Elit               DNS   3 
 -- Jones, Michael            13 Atlanta Elit               DNS   2 
 -- Adams, Jacorie            13 Pebblebrook                DNS   3 
 -- Hunter, Nicholas          13 Morningside                DNS   3 
 -- Okeh, Chidi               13 First Light                DNS   6 
 -- Sermon, Trey              13 The Heat TC                DNS   5 
 -- Martin, Jah-Maine         14 Welcome All                DNS   4 
 -- McJunkins, Joshua         14 Pebblebrook                DNS   3 
Boys 15 Year Olds 200 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Sumrall, Salento          15 Smyrna TC                25.27   1 
  2 Dozier, Isaiah            15 Xtreme Veloc             25.45   1 
  3 Walker, TreVon            15 Pebblebrook              25.59   1 
  4 Smith, Adonis             15 The Heat TC              28.58   2 
 -- Murchison, Ahmad          15 Pebblebrook                DNS   1 
 -- Lyons, Jared              15 Titans TC                  DNS   2 
 -- Corley, Dandre            15 Welcome All                DNS   1 
 -- McKnight, Desmond         15 Welcome All                DNS   2 
Boys 8 & Under 400 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Adetosoye, Tomiwa          8 Titans TC              1:17.22   1 
  2 Taylor, Ryan               8 The Heat TC            1:19.17   1 
  3 Henry, Kyle                8 Atlanta Elit           1:19.87   1 
  4 Riley, Savion              8 The Heat TC            1:21.77   3 
  5 Bell, Reese                8 First Light            1:21.90   1 
  6 Lewis, Christopher         8 Date Eagles            1:23.88   3 
  7 Lanear, Brandon            7 The Heat TC            1:27.14   3 
  8 Robinson, Joel             8 Xtreme Veloc           1:28.42   1 
  9 Todd, Jeremiah             8 Mark Trail F           1:29.38   2 
 10 Tate, Jamel                8 Date Eagles            1:30.28   2 
 11 Mason, Patrick             8 Atlanta Elit           1:32.63   2 
 12 Jenkins, Jamair            7 Welcome All            1:42.84   3 
 13 Mullinos, Elijah           7 Georgia Thor           1:57.08   3 
 -- Teamer, Antowine           8 Date Eagles                DNS   2 
 -- Allen, John                7 Pebblebrook                DNS   1 
 -- Richards, Martin           8 Pebblebrook                DNS   2 
 -- Johnson, Michael           8 Welcome All                DNS   2 
Boys 9-10 400 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Yates, Ivan               10 The Heat TC            1:08.59   2 
  2 Mason, Demetrius          10 Date Eagles            1:12.37   3 
  3 Clemons, Joshua           10 Morningside            1:12.51   1 
  4 Mixon, Malik               9 Saca Youth T           1:15.52   2 
  5 Reese, Quinton            10 The Heat TC            1:15.58   1 
  6 Hall, Branson             10 The Heat TC            1:15.85   1 
  7 Flowers, Jordan            9 Date Eagles            1:16.18   6 
  8 Bumper, Julian            10 The Heat TC            1:17.31   2 
  9 Davis-Giles, Terez         9 Mark Trail F           1:17.68   3 
 10 Mays, Dominic              9 Pebblebrook            1:18.07   7 
 11 Parris, Xavier             9 The Heat TC            1:18.61   4 
 12 Hatcher, Cameron          10 Atlanta Elit           1:19.01   6 
 13 Logan, Tad                 9 Mark Trail F           1:19.72   2 
 14 Craig, Jaryd              10 Xtreme Veloc           1:21.81   2 
 15 Herndon, Michael          10 Atlanta Elit           1:22.06   5 
 16 Bradley, Rashaad           9 Welcome All            1:22.13   6 
 17 Neville, Jaiden           10 The Heat TC            1:22.38   4 
 18 Pittman, Myles            10 The Heat TC            1:23.11   4 
 19 Odister, Rankin            9 Smyrna TC              1:23.29   3 
 20 Abson, Brian              10 The Heat TC            1:24.00   4 
 21 Barmore, Troy             10 Atlanta Elit           1:25.70   3 
 22 Johnson, Zuri              9 First Light            1:26.80   1 
 23 Gaines, Charles            9 The Heat TC            1:26.90   5 
 24 House, Aaron              10 Atlanta Elit           1:27.22   5 
 25 DeJesus, David             9 Southeast St           1:28.54   7 
 26 Harrison, Knazier         10 First Light            1:29.42   6 
 27 Jackson, Rashaad           9 Date Eagles            1:30.40   4 
 28 Bassa, Joseph             10 The Heat TC            1:47.22   7 
 29 Balfour, Jamir             9 Date Eagles            1:47.48   5 
 30 Sims, Alex                 9 Date Eagles            1:49.20   6 
 -- Stately, Xavier            9 Atlanta Elit               DNS   4 
 -- Tucker, Dyas              10 First Light                DNS   1 
 -- Dubose, Isiah             10 The Heat TC                DNS   6 
 -- Torrence, Rashad          10 Atlanta Elit               DNS   5 
 -- Camp, Christian           10 Date Eagles                DNS   3 
 -- Lattimore, Khalin          9 Georgia Thor               DNS   3 
 -- Grant, Carrington          9 Morningside                DNS   2 
 -- Shoemake, Caleb            9 Mark Trail F               DNS   5 
 -- James, Akinni              9 First Light                DNS   1 
Boys 11-12 400 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Anderson, Rainey          12 Atlanta Elit           1:01.09   1 
  2 SmithII, Christopher      12 Welcome All            1:04.67  10 
  3 Hunter, Francisco         12 Mark Trail F           1:06.06  10 
  4 Colquitt, Latif           12 Atlanta Elit           1:06.48   7 
  5 Tomlin, Justin            12 Mark Trail F           1:06.74   5 
  6 Wells, Evan               11 Xtreme Veloc           1:06.85   1 
  7 Tillman, Gerald           11 Date Eagles            1:07.74   1 
  8 Douglas, Justin           12 Mark Trail F           1:07.91   8 
  9 Smith, Davis              12 Titans TC              1:08.18   9 
 10 Bashir, Dasani            11 Welcome All            1:08.39   2 
 11 Dukes, Corinthian         12 Titans TC              1:08.73  10 
 12 Jenkins, Jalen            11 Welcome All            1:09.60   8 
 13 Johnson, Taji             11 First Light            1:09.66   2 
 14 Charles, Zachary          11 Xtreme Veloc           1:09.74   2 
 15 Brown, Xavier             12 Georgia Thor           1:10.50  10 
 16 Fritzgerald, Nasir        12 Mark Trail F           1:10.54   7 
 17 Girtman, Joel             12 Atlanta Elit           1:10.93   2 
 18 Dickerson, NaeSaan        11 Welcome All            1:11.05   7 
 19 Smith, Tajiri             11 Welcome All            1:11.11   4 
 20 Avery, Terence            11 Saca Youth T           1:11.16   4 
 21 Lee, Canaan               12 Titans TC              1:11.24   1 
 22 Lloyd, Chase              11 Welcome All            1:11.26   9 
 23 Morris, Parker            12 The Heat TC            1:11.46   3 
 24 Campbell, Malik           12 Date Eagles            1:11.91   9 
 25 Reese, Avery              12 Cobb Track             1:12.18   1 
 26 Oliver, Danny             11 Morningside            1:12.67   1 
 27 Hamilton, Geoffrey        12 First Light            1:13.11   3 
 28 Harris, Terence           12 First Light            1:14.04   4 
 29 Owens, Dominic            11 Welcome All            1:14.42   6 
 30 Shoates, Noah             11 Atlanta Elit           1:15.12   5 
 31 Simon, Arel               11 Date Eagles            1:15.27   6 
 32 Alexander, Elijah         11 Date Eagles            1:15.44   8 
 33 Horton, Christopher       11 Welcome All            1:15.67   5 
 34 Evans, Roger              12 Pebblebrook            1:16.21   6 
 35 Euler, Austin             12 Mark Trail F           1:16.62   9 
 36 Trice, Copper             11 Titans TC              1:16.82   3 
 37 Pless, Victor             11 The Heat TC            1:16.98   6 
 38 Daniel, Charles           11 Morningside            1:17.29   2 
 39 Manley, Trent             12 Xtreme Veloc           1:17.67   3 
 40 Matthews, Bryce           12 Southeast St           1:18.30   5 
 41 Smith, Tra                11 Titans TC              1:18.39   6 
 42 Jones, Demarcus           12 Pebblebrook            1:19.19   4 
 43 Howard, Jalen             11 Welcome All            1:20.82   3 
 44 Terrell, Tony             12 Morningside            1:21.30   3 
 45 Brown, Joshua             11 Smyrna TC              1:21.49   8 
 46 Ward, Harrison            11 Xtreme Veloc           1:22.95   4 
 47 Vaughn, Zar               11 The Heat TC            1:23.58   2 
 48 Newkirk, ErikRay          11 The Heat TC            1:25.47   7 
 49 Walker, Ethan             11 Georgia Thor           1:26.64   7 
 50 Parker, Reed              11 Date Eagles            1:28.66  10 
 51 Krakue, Marlon            11 The Heat TC            1:28.69   8 
 52 Ellington, Dawson         12 Atlanta Elit           1:29.81   9 
 53 Reed, Joshua              11 Date Eagles            1:29.85   5 
 54 Linear, Kaiel             12 The Heat TC            1:36.14   9 
 55 Thomas, Davian            11 The Heat TC            1:38.45   5 
 -- Neals, Evin               11 Pebblebrook                DNS   7 
 -- Read, Tyler               11 The Heat TC                DNS   4 
 -- Rainey, Jannard           12 Atlanta Elit               DNS   6 
 -- Frederick, RaSean         11 Atlanta Elit               DNS  10 
 -- Grey, Cahliyal            11 Titans TC                  DNS   8 
Boys 13-14 400 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Tavares, Montgomery       14 Cobb Track               56.27   1 
  2 Smith, Bryce              14 First Light              56.34   1 
  3 Best, Keith               14 The Heat TC              56.50   4 
  4 Sermon, Trey              13 The Heat TC              56.57   4 
  5 Williams, Jamonne         13 Atlanta Elit             58.17   2 
  6 Hendrix-Williams, Sierra  14 The Heat TC              58.18   3 
  7 Ware, Noah                13 First Light              58.32   2 
  8 Douglas, Javon            13 Mark Trail F             59.90   4 
  9 Campbell, Dominique       13 Atlanta Elit           1:01.19   1 
 10 Spears, Tyson             14 Titans TC              1:02.04   2 
 11 Williams, Devan           13 First Light            1:02.71   2 
 12 Jones, Kwesi              13 Atlanta Elit           1:03.33   3 
 13 Wayne, Rodney             13 Split Second           1:03.85   5 
 14 Robinson, Jaysen          14 Titans TC              1:04.03   3 
 15 Knight, Kendrick          13 The Heat TC            1:04.20   4 
 16 Holley, Andre             14 Titans TC              1:05.43   4 
 17 McKinley, Jordan          14 Smyrna TC              1:05.80   1 
 18 Scott, Austin             14 First Light            1:06.01   2 
 19 Ogleaby, Antonio          14 Titans TC              1:06.52   3 
 20 Romaine, Jarod            14 The Heat TC            1:07.04   1 
 21 Smith, Christian          13 Atlanta Elit           1:10.39   3 
 22 Walker, Deanthony         13 Georgia Thor           1:13.96   2 
 23 Lapeyrolerie, Michael     14 Titans TC              1:15.18   1 
 24 Brown, Caleb              13 Titans TC              1:17.74   3 
 25 Bumper, Jaelin            13 The Heat TC            1:26.71   5 
 -- Wilson, Davis             14 The Heat TC                DNS   5 
 -- Okeh, Chidi               13 First Light                DNS   5 
 -- Comma, Jayden             14 Titans TC                  DNS   5 
 -- Tennessee, Zachary        13 Titans TC                  DNS   5 
 -- Providence, Allensamuel   13 Date Eagles                DNS   4 
Boys 15 Year Olds 400 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Boyce, Daniel             15 Titans TC              1:05.78   1 
 -- Smith, Adonis             15 The Heat TC                DNS   1 
 -- McCray, Phillip           15 Titans TC                  DNS   2 
 -- Walker, TreVon            15 Pebblebrook                DNS   1 
 -- Tull, Ethan               15 Titans TC                  DNS   1 
 -- Linear, Shaun             15 The Heat TC                DNS   1 
 -- Comma, Jordan             15 Titans TC                  DNS   2 
 -- Lyons, Jared              15 Titans TC                  DNS   2 
 -- Long, Bryan               15 Titans TC                  DNS   1 
Boys 8 & Under 800 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Bell, Reese                8 First Light            3:00.46  
  2 Coleman, ChristopherJr     8 The Heat TC            3:12.73  
  3 Lewis, Christopher         8 Date Eagles            3:28.27  
  4 Richards, Martin           8 Pebblebrook            4:30.84  
Boys 9-10 800 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Yates, Ivan               10 The Heat TC            2:41.39  
  2 Davis-Giles, Terez         9 Mark Trail F           2:55.51  
  3 Mason, Demetrius          10 Date Eagles            2:56.22  
  4 Thomas, Anthony           10 Smyrna TC              3:03.39  
  5 Johnson, Zuri              9 First Light            3:04.17  
  6 Flowers, Jordan            9 Date Eagles            3:04.41  
  7 Bowen, Jackson             9 Mark Trail F           3:18.46  
  8 Escorza, Oscar            10 Date Eagles            3:32.90  
  9 Sims, Alex                 9 Date Eagles            4:15.43  
 -- Clemons, Joshua           10 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Mixon, Malik               9 Saca Youth T               DNS  
 -- Shoemake, Caleb            9 Mark Trail F               DNS  
Boys 11-12 800 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Wells, Evan               11 Xtreme Veloc           2:42.60  
  2 Douglas, Justin           12 Mark Trail F           2:43.04  
  3 Hamilton, Geoffrey        12 First Light            2:44.04  
  4 Devone, Amir              12 Smyrna TC              2:47.43  
  5 Allen, Chris              12 Morningside            2:49.37  
  6 Schusterman, Max          11 Smyrna TC              2:52.03  
  7 Robinson, Joshua          12 Smyrna TC              2:59.70  
  8 Jaiteh, Shamsud-Din       11 Saca Youth T           3:01.83  
  9 Evans, Roger              12 Pebblebrook            3:02.44  
 10 Daniel, Charles           11 Morningside            3:02.63  
 11 Alexander, Elijah         11 Date Eagles            3:11.09  
 12 Ward, Harrison            11 Xtreme Veloc           3:13.50  
 13 Gonzolez, Alex            12 Date Eagles            3:17.00  
 14 Reed, Joshua              11 Date Eagles            3:20.58  
 15 Parker, Reed              11 Date Eagles            3:41.75  
 -- Colquitt, Latif           12 Atlanta Elit               DNS  
 -- Ward, Zavier              12 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Primous, Kahlil           12 Welcome All                DNS  
Boys 13-14 800 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Tavares, Montgomery       14 Cobb Track             2:17.21  
  2 Galimah, Jallah           13 Southeast St           2:19.94  
  3 Campbell, Dominique       13 Atlanta Elit           2:23.63  
  4 Hess, Max                 13 The Heat TC            2:23.71  
  5 Smith, Christian          13 Atlanta Elit           2:44.27  
  6 Ward, Zach                13 Xtreme Veloc           2:44.73  
 -- Smith, Brandon            13 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Wilson, Davis             14 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Harper, Nigel             14 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Campbell, Nasir           13 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Scott, Austin             14 First Light                DNS  
 -- Providence, Allensamuel   13 Date Eagles                DNS  
Boys 15 Year Olds 800 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Linear, Shaun             15 The Heat TC            3:08.83  
 -- Tate, Ronnie              15 Southeast St               DNS  
Boys 9-10 1600 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Brodmyer, Devon           10 The Heat TC            6:20.22  
  2 Thomas, Anthony           10 Smyrna TC              6:24.90  
  3 Bowen, Jackson             9 Mark Trail F           7:28.73  
  4 Escorza, Oscar            10 Date Eagles            7:34.74  
Boys 11-12 1600 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Perkins, Nahil            11 Xtreme Veloc           5:50.41  
  2 Devone, Amir              12 Smyrna TC              5:53.66  
  3 Jaiteh, Shamsud-Din       11 Saca Youth T           5:59.03  
  4 Robinson, Joshua          12 Smyrna TC              6:03.05  
  5 Allen, Chris              12 Morningside            6:13.12  
  6 Speeth, William           11 The Heat TC            6:14.36  
  7 Gonzolez, Alex            12 Date Eagles            6:40.76  
  8 Thomas, Jalen             11 Xtreme Veloc           7:27.94  
 -- Ward, Zavier              12 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Speight, Joshua           12 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Schusterman, Max          11 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Primous, Kahlil           12 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Shoates, Noah             11 Atlanta Elit               DNS  
Boys 13-14 1600 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Galimah, Jallah           13 Southeast St           5:12.96  
  2 Hess, Max                 13 The Heat TC            5:28.77  
  3 Ward, Zach                13 Xtreme Veloc           5:54.49  
  4 Harper, Nigel             14 Welcome All            6:30.03  
 -- Smith, Brandon            13 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Campbell, Nasir           13 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Foster, Ben               14 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Hunter, Nicholas          13 Morningside                DNS  
Boys 15 Year Olds 1600 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
 -- Tate, Ronnie              15 Southeast St               DNS  
Boys 9-10 3000 Meter Run 3000M
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Brodmyer, Devon           10 The Heat TC           12:44.78  
Boys 11-12 3000 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Speeth, William           11 The Heat TC           12:44.08  
Boys 7-8 4x100 Meter Relay 4x100
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 Date Eagles  'A'                                    1:07.92   1 
  2 The Heat TC  'A'                                    1:10.94   1 
  3 Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'A'                       1:11.49   1 
  4 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                      1:12.17   1 
  5 Pebblebrook Jr TC  'A'                              1:15.41   2 
  6 Smyrna TC  'A'                                      1:16.03   2 
  7 Georgia Thoroughbreds  'A'                          1:22.18   1 
  8 Rolling Thunder  'A'                                1:28.15   2 
 -- Welcome All Park Redhawks  'B'                          DNS   2 
 -- Date Eagles  'B'                                        DNS   2 
Boys 9-10 4x100 Meter Relay 4x100
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 The Heat TC  'B'                                    1:01.93   2 
  2 Georgia Thoroughbreds  'A'                          1:02.62   2 
  3 Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'A'                       1:03.48   1 
  4 Date Eagles  'A'                                    1:05.50   1 
  5 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                      1:07.80   2 
  6 Pebblebrook Jr TC  'A'                              1:12.04   1 
 -- The Heat TC  'A'                                         DQ   1 
 -- Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'B'                           DNS   2 
 -- Welcome All Park Redhawks  'B'                          DNS   2 
 -- First Light TC  'A'                                     DNS   1 
 -- Date Eagles  'B'                                        DNS   2 
 -- Morningside Nighthawks  'A'                             DNS   1 
Boys 11-12 4x100 Meter Relay 4x100
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'A'                         55.13   1 
  2 Date Eagles  'A'                                      58.35   2 
  3 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                        58.44   1 
  4 Georgia Thoroughbreds  'A'                            58.79   1 
  5 Titans TC  'A'                                        58.84   2 
  6 Morningside Nighthawks  'A'                         1:00.07   1 
  7 Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'B'                       1:00.25   3 
  8 Pebblebrook Jr TC  'A'                              1:01.27   2 
  9 Smyrna TC  'A'                                      1:01.90   2 
 10 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'B'                      1:04.53   3 
 11 Date Eagles  'B'                                    1:11.97   3 
 -- Welcome All Park Redhawks  'C'                          DNS   3 
 -- First Light TC  'A'                                     DNS   1 
Boys 13-14 4x100 Meter Relay 4x100
    Team                                                 Finals 
  1 First Light TC  'A'                                   50.12  
  2 Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'A'                         52.72  
  3 The Heat TC  'A'                                      52.85  
 -- Georgia Thoroughbreds  'A'                              DNS  
 -- Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                          DNS  
 -- The Heat TC  'B'                                        DNS  
Boys 7-8 4x400 Meter Relay
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 The Heat TC  'A'                                    5:54.92   1 
  2 Atlanta Elite Tigers-Ben Hill  'A'                  5:55.32   2 
  3 Date Eagles  'A'                                    6:03.98   1 
  4 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                      6:04.29   2 
  5 Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'A'                       6:10.35   1 
  6 Saca Youth Track  'A'                               6:11.82   1 
  7 Pebblebrook Jr TC  'A'                              6:42.55   2 
  8 Date Eagles  'B'                                    6:56.76   1 
 -- Welcome All Park Redhawks  'B'                          DNS   2 
 -- Georgia Thoroughbreds  'A'                              DNS   1 
Boys 9-10 4x400 Meter Relay
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 Atlanta Elite Tigers-Ben Hill  'A'                  5:01.22   1 
  2 The Heat TC  'A'                                    5:03.26   3 
  2 Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'B'                       5:03.26   2 
  4 Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'A'                       5:24.16   1 
  5 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                      5:32.28   1 
  6 Date Eagles  'A'                                    5:37.06   1 
  7 The Heat TC  'B'                                    5:39.02   2 
  8 Pebblebrook Jr TC  'A'                              5:58.35   2 
 -- Date Eagles  'B'                                        DNS   3 
 -- Welcome All Park Redhawks  'B'                          DNS   2 
 -- First Light TC  'A'                                     DNS   1 
 -- Georgia Thoroughbreds  'A'                              DNS   1 
 -- Atlanta Elite Tigers-Ben Hill  'B'                      DNS   3 
Boys 11-12 4x400 Meter Relay
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 Atlanta Elite Tigers-Ben Hill  'A'                  4:54.12   1 
  2 Date Eagles  'A'                                    4:58.26   1 
  3 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'B'                      5:07.92   2 
  4 Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'B'                       5:11.54   3 
  5 Smyrna TC  'A'                                      5:14.01   1 
  6 Atlanta Elite Tigers-Ben Hill  'B'                  5:19.02   2 
  7 Atlanta Elite Tigers-Ben Hill  'C'                  5:20.73   3 
  8 Pebblebrook Jr TC  'A'                              5:28.06   1 
  9 Date Eagles  'B'                                    6:12.21   3 
 -- Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                          DNS   1 
 -- Welcome All Park Redhawks  'C'                          DNS   3 
 -- Georgia Thoroughbreds  'A'                              DNS   2 
 -- Mark Trail Flying Eagles  'A'                           DNS   1 
Boys 13-14 4x400 Meter Relay
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
 -- The Heat TC  'B'                                         NT   2 
 -- Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                           NT   2 
 -- First Light TC  'A'                                      NT   1 
 -- Georgia Thoroughbreds  'A'                               NT   2 
Boys 9-10 High Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Burke, Jaylen             10 Rolling Thun           3-04.00  
  2 Belisle, Dylan            10 Mark Trail F           3-02.00  
Boys 11-12 High Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
 -- Jenkins, Jalen            11 Welcome All                DNS  
Boys 13-14 High Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Hendrix-Williams, Sierra  14 The Heat TC            5-04.00  
  2 Ogleaby, Antonio          14 Titans TC              4-11.00  
  3 Smith, Bryce              14 First Light            4-10.00  
  4 Hellen, Avery             14 Titans TC              4-08.25  
 -- Campbell, Nasir           13 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Martin, Jah-Maine         14 Welcome All                DNS  
Boys 15 Year Olds High Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
 -- McKnight, Desmond         15 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Corley, Dandre            15 Welcome All                DNS  
Boys 7-8 Long Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Taylor, Ryan               8 The Heat TC           10-05.00  
  2 Tate, Jamel                8 Date Eagles            9-08.50  
  3 Morgan, Joshua             8 Date Eagles            9-08.00  
  4 Robinson, Joel             8 Xtreme Veloc           7-07.00  
 -- Thomas, Sean               8 Date Eagles                 ND  
 -- Tremble, Tyler             8 Cobb Track                 DNS  
 -- Coleman, ChristopherJr     8 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Kenner, Drew               8 Saca Youth T               DNS  
 -- Callahan, Joshua           8 Saca Youth T               DNS  
 -- Robinson, Brad             8 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Riley, Savion              8 The Heat TC                DNS  
Boys 9-10 Long Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Parris, Xavier             9 The Heat TC           12-08.00  
  2 Thorton, Cole             10 Xtreme Veloc          12-07.00  
  3 Logan, Tad                 9 Mark Trail F          11-03.00  
  4 Douglas, Andrew            9 Mark Trail F          11-00.00  
  5 Mason, Demetrius          10 Date Eagles           10-00.00  
  5 Balfour, Jamir             9 Date Eagles           10-00.00  
  7 Ogleaby, Terrell          10 Titans TC              9-10.00  
  8 Reese, Quinton            10 The Heat TC            9-09.00  
  9 Bowen, Jackson             9 Mark Trail F           9-06.00  
 10 Craig, Jaryd              10 Xtreme Veloc           9-05.00  
 11 McCleod, Gavin            10 Xtreme Veloc           8-10.00  
 12 Dubose, Isiah             10 The Heat TC            8-07.00  
 13 Neville, Jaiden           10 The Heat TC            8-04.50  
 14 Flowers, Jordan            9 Date Eagles            7-09.50  
 -- Mixon, Malik               9 Saca Youth T               DNS  
 -- Walker, Knighton           9 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Shoemake, Caleb            9 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Yates, Ivan               10 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Pittman, Myles            10 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Penn, Nigel               10 Saca Youth T               DNS  
 -- Quarles, Kelby             9 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Burke, Jaylen             10 Rolling Thun               DNS  
 -- Brown, Brian               9 Saca Youth T               DNS  
 -- Clemons, Joshua           10 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Austin, Jaden             10 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Adams, Remington           9 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Brant, Canaan             10 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Jones, Tory                9 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Hubbard, Justin            9 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Mays, Dominic              9 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Deas, Dallas               9 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Collier, Cornelius        10 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Harell, Kristopher        10 Georgia Thor               DNS  
Boys 11-12 Long Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Newkirk, ErikRay          11 The Heat TC           14-03.00  
  1 Tillman, Gerald           11 Date Eagles           14-03.00  
  3 Carter, Tristen           12 Georgia Thor          13-01.00  
  4 Oliver, Danny             11 Morningside           12-01.50  
  5 Hill, Donnavan            11 Georgia Thor          11-07.00  
  6 Ward, Harrison            11 Xtreme Veloc          11-03.50  
  7 Allen, Chris              12 Morningside           11-00.00  
  8 Avery, Terence            11 Saca Youth T          10-10.00  
  9 Simon, Arel               11 Date Eagles           10-07.50  
  9 Ringer, Xavier            11 Pebblebrook           10-07.50  
 11 Euler, Austin             12 Mark Trail F          10-07.00  
 12 Wells, Evan               11 Xtreme Veloc           9-02.50  
 13 Parker, Reed              11 Date Eagles            9-02.00  
 14 Hardin, Bobby             12 The Heat TC            8-02.00  
 14 Douglas, Austin           12 Mark Trail F           8-02.00  
 16 Brown, Xavier             12 Georgia Thor           7-04.00  
 17 Thomas, Davian            11 The Heat TC            6-10.00  
 -- Perkins, Nahil            11 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Smith, Tra                11 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Pless, Victor             11 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Speeth, William           11 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Ward, Zavier              12 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Smith, Davis              12 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Speight, Joshua           12 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Trice, Copper             11 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Ross, Jalen               11 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Delaune, Dane             12 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Coleman, Jacquez          11 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Douglas, Justin           12 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Jaiteh, Shamsud-Din       11 Saca Youth T               DNS  
 -- Belcher, Kendall          11 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Allen, Freddie            11 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Charles, Zachary          11 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Campbell, Malik           12 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Lewis, Julien             11 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Lee, Dazmond              11 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Marshall, Myles           12 Cobb Track                 DNS  
 -- Manley, Trent             12 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Forrest, Rodricus         12 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Evans, Roger              12 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Gibson, Byron             11 Titans TC                  DNS  
Boys 13-14 Long Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Gouch, Ezekio             13 Georgia Thor          15-10.50  
  2 Wayne, Rodney             13 Split Second          12-10.00  
  3 Foster, Ben               14 The Heat TC           12-04.00  
  3 Hellen, Avery             14 Titans TC             12-04.00  
  5 Walker, Deanthony         13 Georgia Thor          11-09.00  
  6 Stovall, Corey            14 The Heat TC           10-00.00  
 -- Ruiz, Edmund              13 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Romaine, Jarod            14 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Sermon, Trey              13 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Robinson, Jaysen          14 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- McJunkins, Joshua         14 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Tennessee, Zachary        13 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Spears, Tyson             14 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Ward, Zach                13 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Spears, Dylan             13 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Wilson, Davis             14 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Corbett, Donnavan         13 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Brown, Caleb              13 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Cress, Demietrius         14 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Beckham, Terry            14 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Adams, Jacorie            13 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Bowie, Tyrone             14 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Jones, Miles              13 Split Second               DNS  
 -- Holley, Andre             14 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Knight, Kendrick          13 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Hendricks, Jordan         13 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Frazier, Quintin          13 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
 -- Hendrix-Williams, Sierra  14 The Heat TC                DNS  
Boys 15 Year Olds Long Jump
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
 -- McCray, Phillip           15 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Smith, Adonis             15 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Boyce, Daniel             15 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Dozier, Isaiah            15 Xtreme Veloc               DNS  
Boys 9-10 Shot Put
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Hall, Branson             10 The Heat TC           23-06.50  
  2 Abson, Brian              10 The Heat TC           17-02.00  
  3 Bassa, Joseph             10 The Heat TC           14-09.25  
 -- Williams, Justin           9 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
Boys 11-12 Shot Put
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Wonsley, Nate             12 Titans TC             36-01.00  
  2 Smith, Davis              12 Titans TC             27-04.25  
  3 Morgan, Nathaniel         11 Date Eagles           24-01.50  
  4 Nikolich, Alek            12 Titans TC             22-08.00  
  5 Harris, Taurean           11 First Light           15-11.50  
  6 Wright, Jaylen            12 Welcome All           13-06.50  
  7 Lee, Dazmond              11 Date Eagles           10-09.50  
 -- Read, Tyler               11 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Vaughn, Zar               11 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Linear, Kaiel             12 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Johnson, Craig            12 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Matthews, Bryce           12 Southeast St               DNS  
Boys 13-14 Shot Put
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Rogers, Isaiah            14 Smyrna TC             47-04.50  
  2 Willingham, Micheal       13 Date Eagles           36-09.00  
  3 Hess, Max                 13 The Heat TC           34-09.00  
  4 Wilson, Montreal          13 Smyrna TC             34-04.50  
  5 Ford, Bradley             14 Smyrna TC             30-08.25  
  6 Buckley, Vincent          13 Smyrna TC             29-11.00  
  7 Black, Dante              13 Xtreme Veloc          23-10.00  
  8 Richards, Sean            13 Date Eagles           23-04.50  
  9 Bumper, Jaelin            13 The Heat TC           22-07.50  
 -- Comma, Jayden             14 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Miles, Nate               14 Titans TC                  DNS  
Boys 15 Year Olds Shot Put
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Trujillo, Lex             15 The Heat TC           43-05.00  
  2 Sumrall, Salento          15 Smyrna TC             37-04.50  
  3 Lyons, Jared              15 Titans TC             36-01.25  
  4 Murchison, Ahmad          15 Pebblebrook           23-02.50  
  5 Linear, Shaun             15 The Heat TC           22-10.00  
 -- Walker, TreVon            15 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Comma, Jordan             15 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Mathis, Elijah            15 Welcome All                DNS  
Boys 6 & Under Discus Throw SBall Throw
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Campbell, Chance           5 Rolling Thun             45-04  
  2 CooperIne, Clifford        5 Rolling Thun             30-05  
  3 Hammitt, Aamir             5 Rolling Thun             29-02  
  4 Weems, Sekani              6 Saca Youth T             15-09  
  5 Williams, Grant            5 Welcome All              13-00  
 -- Weems, Azaan               6 Saca Youth T               DNS  
 -- PopeII, Kelvin             6 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Belisle, Bryce             5 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Smith, Tylan               6 Pebblebrook                DNS  
Boys 7-8 Discus Throw SBall Throw
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Teamer, Antowine           8 Date Eagles              85-02  
  2 Clark, Devin               7 Welcome All              55-05  
  3 Davis, Amari               8 Smyrna TC                51-03  
  4 Jenkins, Italo             7 Mark Trail F             51-01  
  5 Johnson, Michael           8 Welcome All              49-04  
  6 Steward, Damarion          8 Saca Youth T             48-08  
  7 Adams, Bret                7 Smyrna TC                47-07  
  8 Maddox, Gary               7 Smyrna TC                44-06  
  9 Powell, Tyquan             8 Welcome All              44-01  
 10 Weems, Shingo              7 Saca Youth T             42-06  
 11 StevensonJr, Kenneth       7 Welcome All              30-01  
 -- Thomas, Devin              7 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Todd, Jeremiah             8 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Walton, Enzo               7 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Bashir, Koedah             8 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Fisher, Camden             7 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Carr, Tyson                7 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Booker, Caleb              8 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Bashir, Karmelo            7 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- McCloud, Coleman           7 Rolling Thun               DNS  
 -- Johnson, Courtney          8 Mark Trail F               DNS  
Boys 9-10 Discus Throw SBall Throw
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Bumper, Julian            10 The Heat TC             108-01  
  2 Thomas, Anthony           10 Smyrna TC                97-08  
  3 Marshall, Troix           10 Welcome All              97-07  
  4 Warren, Cameron           10 Mark Trail F             94-09  
  5 Jones, Jaquavious         10 Pebblebrook              93-09  
  6 Jackson, Rashaad           9 Date Eagles              81-05  
  7 Reed, Jordan              10 Date Eagles              68-07  
  8 Hooper, Samuel             9 Pebblebrook              68-05  
  9 Gaines, Charles            9 The Heat TC              66-05  
 10 Marshall, Doir            10 Welcome All              57-02  
 -- Williams, Justin           9 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Pope, David                9 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Stephens, Jeremy          10 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Thomas, Tija              10 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Gilbert, Jacobi            9 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Grant, Carrington          9 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Belisle, Dylan            10 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Mark, Kimali              10 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Odister, Rankin            9 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Hines, Colin              10 Mark Trail F               DNS  
Boys 11-12 Discus Throw SBall Throw
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Terrell, Tony             12 Morningside             121-04  
  2 Neals, Evin               11 Pebblebrook             121-00  
  3 Devone, Amir              12 Smyrna TC               120-05  
  4 Williams, Ross            12 Morningside             114-00  
  5 Horton, Christopher       11 Welcome All             113-02  
  6 Daniel, Charles           11 Morningside             107-05  
  7 Jones, Demarcus           12 Pebblebrook             103-07  
  8 Nikolich, Alek            12 Titans TC               101-02  
  9 SmithII, Christopher      12 Welcome All              94-04  
 10 Smith, Tajiri             11 Welcome All              89-05  
 11 Alexander, Elijah         11 Date Eagles              87-05  
 12 Gonzolez, Alex            12 Date Eagles              72-04  
 13 Wright, Jaylen            12 Welcome All              59-01  
 14 Graham, Wesley            11 Smyrna TC                54-03  
 -- Primous, Kahlil           12 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Winston, Jaelin           12 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Hunter, Francisco         12 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Johnson, Craig            12 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Bashir, Dasani            11 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Morgan, Nathaniel         11 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Morris, Parker            12 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Krakue, Marlon            11 The Heat TC                DNS  
Boys 13-14 Discus Throw SBall Throw
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Hunter, Nicholas          13 Morningside             145-01  
  2 Willingham, Micheal       13 Date Eagles             126-03  
  3 Taylor, Janari            14 Welcome All             123-04  
  4 McKinley, Jordan          14 Smyrna TC               103-06  
  5 Buckley, Vincent          13 Smyrna TC               102-04  
 -- Miles, Nate               14 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Richards, Sean            13 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Ford, Bradley             14 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Best, Keith               14 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Lane, Jaquvious           13 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Hargrove, Kymory          13 Mark Trail F               DNS  
Boys 15 Year Olds Discus Throw SBall Throw
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Mathis, Elijah            15 Welcome All             105-03  
Boys 6 & Under Javelin Throw Standing LJ
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Johnson, Darrius           6 Welcome All               4-09  
  2 Neal, Kaleb                6 Split Second              4-07  
  3 Ward, Christian            6 Smyrna TC                 4-03  
  4 Flowers, Justin            6 Date Eagles               4-02  
  5 Jordan, Omari              6 Georgia Thor              4-00  
  6 Hodges, Blake              5 The Heat TC               3-11  
  7 Dacey, Ramon               6 Saca Youth T              3-04  
  8 Allen, Jaylon              4 The Heat TC               3-03  
  9 Howard, Jordan             6 Welcome All               2-06  
 -- Williams, Joseph           5 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Carter, Dontavious         5 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Trotter, Truth             6 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Williams, Michael          6 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Jennings, Jaedrick         6 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Leach, Jaharre             4 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Hunt, Caleb                5 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Robinson, Jason            6 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Gilmere, Carlos            6 Pebblebrook                DNS  
Boys 7-8 Javelin Throw Standing LJ
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Harvey, Keith              8 Split Second              5-04  
  2 Gaither, Xavier            7 Rolling Thun              4-11  
  3 Phillips, Dontavius        8 Pebblebrook               4-10  
  4 Tennell, Octavion          7 Georgia Thor              4-09  
  5 Coley, Boris               7 Date Eagles               4-08  
  5 Saulsberry, Kenneth        8 Welcome All               4-08  
  7 Byrd, Christopher          8 Pebblebrook               4-06  
  8 Bonner, Maurice            7 Split Second           4-04.50  
  9 Walker, Justin             7 Titans TC                 4-03  
 -- Richards, Martin           8 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Royster, Nasir             7 Rolling Thun               DNS  
 -- Page, Neckolous            7 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Walker, Mike               7 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Welcher, Corey             7 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Thomas, Ethan              8 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Simon, Tyler               8 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Blaise, Carson             8 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Berry, Jason               7 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Brant, Curran              8 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Allen, John                7 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Adetosoye, Tomiwa          8 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Beaty, Miles               8 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Leach, Xavier              7 Georgia Thor               DNS  
 -- Lanear, Brandon            7 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Lewis, Christopher         8 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Hall, Christopher          8 Morningside                DNS  
 -- Jenkins, Jamair            7 Welcome All                DNS  
Boys 9-10 Javelin Throw Standing LJ
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Wilborn, Justin            9 Morningside               6-03  
  2 Davis-Giles, Terez         9 Mark Trail F              5-10  
  2 Ramsey, Kyle               9 Smyrna TC                 5-10  
  4 Bryant, Conarey           10 Titans TC                 5-08  
  5 Newman, Timonthy          10 Georgia Thor              5-04  
  6 Bradley, Rashaad           9 Welcome All               5-03  
  7 Sims, Alex                 9 Date Eagles               4-07  
 -- Mincy, DaNas              10 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Wilson, Michael            9 Pebblebrook                DNS  
 -- Royster, Keshon           10 Rolling Thun               DNS  
 -- Davis, Jamauri            10 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Escorza, Oscar            10 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Brodmyer, Devon           10 The Heat TC                DNS  
 -- Camp, Christian           10 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Johnson, Nolan             9 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Kearse, Michael           10 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Hawkins, Parris            9 Split Second               DNS  
Boys 11-12 Javelin Throw Standing LJ
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Dickerson, NaeSaan        11 Welcome All            6-10.50  
  2 Johnson, Taji             11 First Light               6-09  
  3 Fouch, Shemar             12 Welcome All               6-05  
  4 Reed, Joshua              11 Date Eagles               5-03  
 -- Robinson, Joshua          12 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Lloyd, Chase              11 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Owens, Dominic            11 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Tomlin, Justin            12 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Wonsley, Nate             12 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Schusterman, Max          11 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Shelley, Justin           11 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Grey, Cahliyal            11 Titans TC                  DNS  
 -- Griffin, Justin           11 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Brown, Joshua             11 Smyrna TC                  DNS  
 -- Fritzgerald, Nasir        12 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Howard, Jalen             11 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Johnson, Norman           12 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Harris, Terence           12 First Light                DNS  
Boys 13-14 Javelin Throw Standing LJ
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Sample, Cameron           13 Split Second              7-10  
 -- Richards, Sean            13 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Providence, Allensamuel   13 Date Eagles                DNS  
 -- Smith, Brandon            13 Welcome All                DNS  
 -- Douglas, Javon            13 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- Davis-Giles, Tyrique      13 Mark Trail F               DNS  
 -- MincyJr, Daleray          14 Welcome All                DNS  
Mixed 6 & Under 4x50 Meter Relay 4x50M Shuttl
    Team                                                 Finals 
  1 Welcome All Park Redhawks  'A'                        48.17  
  2 Rolling Thunder  'A'                                  49.37  
 -- Rolling Thunder  'B'                                     NT